Greetings everyone.
This is my first time to ever join a discussion board. So I hope I do this right.
I have been fishing in Opeongo lake (Algongquin Park) for about 25 years. Everytime I go (about twice a year) I always am surprised how excited I get and how much I enjoy the lake, scenery and if lucky (sometimes) fish. Lately, we've been getting a little tired of doing the same thing year after year. This spring (May), as a bit of a switch up, my friend and I are going to portage into Proulx Lake just for something a little different.
From what I've read, I have figured out that there are specs in the lake, but I was hoping that someone could confirm that there is indeed lakers in Proulx lake. I'd hate to do the portage only to find out that there isn't any lakers in it.
Many thanks for any replys.