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Posts posted by 2advanced

  1. If we are talking about welded over riveted for aluminum boats its a no brainer. After selling our prince craft we picked up a crestliner aluminum welded boat. I pound this boat and not one leak. I still agree with the people that day fiberglass boats offer the best ride comfort hands down.

  2. My price range is about 2-3k and I was looking for something like a 2003

    There isn't much to choose from but 9000km+ seem to be the norm


    I am fairly mechanically include and have lots of tools lol


    Never worked on a sled


    How diffiucult an it be lol


    What I'm more worried about is parts. Is it expensive to do maintenance at 9000+km or should I spend a little more with less km

  3. I called the ministry to finalize to make sure - yes it isnt illegal to have a passanger off-road but it must be safe for both a sled or atv. its really on the discretion of the officer again like everything else!

    it took 3 phone calls to find this out. like pulling teeth

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