I`ll start with a belated seasons greetings to y`all .Hope that everyone had a safe and happy holiday season and also to say, WOW great look on the new board .It took me a bit to navigate but im sure that will come with use.
I`ve come to except that Im never gonna make it past the newbie level . Every time I think I may advance ,the board changes.... DANG !! .Site looks great none the less .
Anyway,Ive got a problem with the daily number of spam that I receive at home on Outlook express .On my work email (NOVELL)I have the option of excepting mail only from people on my contact list and all others get sent to a junk folder where I can simply deal with the whole batch at once ( Delete,Refuse mail from this domain etc etc...)
It appears ( and I hope Im wrong ) that Outlook doesnt offer any spam relief with exception of the abilty to "refuse mail from this sender "option ,but I have to do this one email at a time!I`m recieving upwards of 300 a day ! ( could`nt find a smiley with tears that time ).
I really would rather not have to use another email system if I could avoid it as Im not the brightest ( easy ) when it comes to making changes .Last upgrade I made rendered the computer unuseable for a few weeks ( Mrs nuts was real pleased with me about that .Middle and little nuts were`nt to happy either .
Anyway,I hope I gave enough or the proper information needed to help those of you who have the knowledge and / or the desire to aid me with .