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Everything posted by weatherman

  1. Greetings ... a Blue Lake person?! what a pleasure...sure have met some terrific people in VB!

  2. How does one go about changing the coil? Tx
  3. has not set their status

  4. Thanks Bill ... thanks guys for the suggestions. I really appreciate your thoughts. wxmn
  5. I have a 15 hp Evinrude, cira 1985, which started, when running down the lake at high speed (approx 10-15 minutes time), of loosing all power - continuing to run, but only at 1/2 speed. The motor then surges - ie a couple of minutes of no power then a 1/2 minute of high speed power.... I have had the carb cleaned and disposed of all fuels, drained hoses, etc and have started using a fuel additive (Sea Foam), but to no avail. I'm open to suggestions on what to look for in correcting this problem. It has been in a repair shop, but they keep saying it is an ethanol problem. Is there a hose or something between the carb and the cylinder that could be partially blocked? I'm open to suggestions .. comments appreciated. Thank you.
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