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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. I had a wild goose once! (Three fingers!)
  2. They shoulda tossed the stuff in the water . . . makes good feed for mink, sea gulls, turtles & other scavengers. That'll likely be all gone in a few days. HOWEVER . . . . the O. O. S. pike head doesn't impress me much at all . . . unfortunately there are a lot of people around who are getting to know watta joke patroling our waterways is . . . . when the Ministry won't even allot enough gas for C. O's to do their jobs, nor do the have anywhere near enough bodies to do the job. Makes me S-I-C-K!! (Unfortunately carp don't eat that stuff!)
  3. I'd like to give 'er a shot . . . unfortunately I have to leave planning almost to the last day, because of health issues . . . . but any day agreed upon is fine by me. As for crowds . . . . if I go, I'll be set up by about 05:00, not too crowded then. As a second choice, the mouth of Etibicoke Creek, west side . . . Marie Curtis Park. The advantage Port Credit has . . . there's washrooms close at hand . . . . parking can be a little iffy for latecomers. GR R R R E A T idea though . . . . if lowly steal?headers, muskie chasers & bassers can have clubs, why can't respectible carp guys too? For those who use feeders & hair rigs, I'll have lotsa extra maize and groundbait. I wonder how my groundbait recipe would hold up as patties on a barbie?
  4. Drop down to Bradford & give the Holland River a try . . . . it's fulla them . . . . AND lotsa snags! Or along Soldiers Bay, where Queensville Road crosses the Holland . . . . . just toss in along the shore at the east side, along the road in to the marina. Good for a few more weeks till it weeds up.
  5. HOLY SAMOLEANS!!! I LIVE 5 minutes from Electrosonic . . . and WORK 2 blocks from there!! I'll drop over and pick that piece up tomorrow . . . . geeze . . . . I can't believe how you guys came through on THIS!! T'anks a million!
  6. Marko . . . "RANGE ON THAT P O T??" Translate . . . please?
  7. Yes, there SHOULD be SOMETHING, SOMEPLACE, but there ain't! We've tried, for several months, MANY places . . . . it's kinda like buying a piece of a Chevvy that's .001 too big or too small, and puttin' it in a Ford or a Chrysler, we've come close, but no cigar! It LOOKS pretty simple, but it ain't quite that easy, or believe me, I'd have had it long ago. It kinda tells ya sumpthin' when FOX don't have it, eh? But . . . . t'anks for the suggestion.
  8. Just a bit of a 'heads-up' to any of you carpers who have decided to go for broke & buy top-of-the-line (expensive) carp gear. The vast majority is now manufactured in China, imported to Britian & the U.S., where Canadian dealers pick it up. Now . . . here's the sticking point . . . . IF something goes wrong with the item, be it Fox, Delkim, Flagzar, D. A. M., to mention a few, you won't find a repair or parts depot in Canada, OR even in the U. S., for any of 'em! I had the misfortune of hitting one of my $150.00 Fox MMX alarms, and was able to get a couple small plastic pins from Fox, but the potentiometer (a little .25" X .25" X 25" piece of plastic) was also cracked, and needed to be replaced. I sent a letter to Fox, they WERE very quick at answering, but . . . I got a 'Dear Steve' letter back . . . . Dear Steve, Unfortunateley we are unble to supply any component parts for alarm PCBs separately. However we still have a very limited supply of MMX pcb boards complete, available at a cost of 61 Canadian Dollars each + 12 Canadian Dollars carriage total 73 Canadian dollars.This is for credit card payment only direct to Fox on 00442085596500 asking for myself on a Monday,Tuesday or Wednesday. Other forms of payment would incur an extra Bank charge. So . . . as soon as this $150.00 alarm quits, I just toss it? The other choice is to pay the $73.00 and then the taxes & duty which could bring it up close to $100.00 . . . . and NO GUARANTEE it would last any length of time! Carp Fishin' is a lotta fun, and there's a lotta fun (EXPENSIVE) things to go with it . . . . but, unless you can afford to toss the expensive stuff away, or pay the value of the item to get it repaired, better to try and locate something made on this side of the pond . . . . which is near impossible! Hope I haven't wasted anybody's time, and GOOD LUCK!! Below is the l'il blue square thingy that is soldered to the board, not actually part of the board, gotta be worth somewhere in the neighbourhood of $1.00!!
  9. After viewing your pics, I just put away my trout rods & panfish rods . . . and am in the process of dustin' off my pod, buzzers and carp rods. About all I gotta go get now is some breadcrumbs, and maize, as I had about 150 pounds of other groundbaits left from last year, the bucket of coarse birdseed leaked, and got a bit mouldy . . . but I doubt that'll bother the carp. Gonna have to use a 5 pound hammer to break up the dry molasses, it's rock hard! Should be good to hit Port Perry next Saturday, Scugog warms pretty quick! Anybody know when pickerel opens in Scugog this year? YEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
  10. I hope you had a proper net for landin' 'em, eh?
  11. I think a section on proper steelhead landing nets & proper tail grabbing techniques would be VERY helpful? Many of us are not too well trained at this art?
  12. I took a shot at the stretch by the footbridge Wednesday . . . . lotsa people closer to the lake . . . not much goin' on. I already got my 2 anyway . . . . I guess EVERYBODY knows the rule change out in Division 17 on the trout limits by now, eh? I got a 10 pounder further east today . . geeeeeeeze . . . that north wind was cold! Not sure where to try tomorrow, don't wanna join the hordes of the great unwashed anyway . . . -10 first thing in the morning . . . that should ice the line & the guides up good! I don't have the expertice to land steelhead with my bare mitts anyway, and I only got a net suitable for the lowly rainbow trout . . a DEFINITE no-no I've heard?
  13. Certainly beats some netless STEALHEADER comin' whinin' over askin' "HEY BUD . . . CAN I BORROW YOUR NET?" "I CAN"T GET MY FISH UP & OVER THIS 4' WALL, EH?"
  14. NEVER NEVER take shots at the sport of kings . . . . CARP FISHING!
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEANSIE!! Too bad were still in 'winter mode,' or we coulda tried for some trout today!!
  16. Nice set-up . . . . but, I gotta ask . . . what's the difference in an EXCURSION & an EXPEDITION?? They LOOK the same to me? (When I win the lottery I'll just get me one of each, and a NAVIGATOR to drive to church!)
  17. I deliver mail to the Wong house every day . . . . I used to occasionally deliver to the Wright house too. Also had a customer called Katie O'Snatch . . . . . just a few houses away from Ya Ping Yan.
  18. WHEW W W W W . . . . . !! I'd been toyin' around with the idea of takin' the van out in the last couple weeks . . . . but I've been checkin' another board concerning day to day conditions . . . . which have been changin' . . . . day to day. Seems to be more 'hidden' cracks which change on a daily basis this year . . . . I finally decided to forgo perch, laker or whitie dinner . . . . figured if I really got hard-up for a meal of the aforementioned fish . . . . . Costco has some pretty good deals . . . . on 2 week old 'fresh fish!' At least you were able to get it out relatively unscathed . . . . compared to what could have been! Thanks for posting the warning . . . ESPECIALLY with photos . . . . . as I looked at them, I was just envisioning MY Caravan in there . . . same colour . . . same wheels . . . . . your report has likely saved a few people (including me) a lot of grief . . . . . thanks for taking the time!
  19. Ah h h h h . . . . D A M N !! When I headed out this mornin', I flipped a mental coin . . . near east trib . . middle trib, or far east trib . . . . MIDDLE won . . . . I LOST!! Between 06:30 & noon, out of a couple dozen guys . . . 2 hits . . . 2 fish!! AND YOU CONTINUE TO HAUL 'EM IN!! One of the ones you got woulda made a GREAT supper! Many people down there? I MIGHT take a quick run out there for a few hours, weather permitting later in the week!
  20. When it's as cut and dried as it is in your case, any & all expenses are covered . . . . it's not an at-fault against you so your rates wont go up either. Did they tell you what the cost of the collision repairs would be? Lucky it's on a lease . . . . that way you won't get nailed at trade-in time either!
  21. Just a split second slower on your behalf & he woulda got your driver's door! I'd be doin' a lotta yellin' for a NEW vehicle . . . . . getting whacked there will likely have you 'dog-tracking,' and wearing the 'ell outta your tires, as you drive down the road now, no matter how well they repair it! Your vehicle will also be worth a lot less money when it comes time to trade with major damage having been done! I had a new Civic hit, and even though it was repaired well ($9000.00+ damage) when it came time to trade it, even though it looked perfect, and ran perfect, a good car man can find tell-tale things that just aren't factory ('after-market' fenders & hood for starters) and your vehicle is worth up to 30% less! (Of course, when they sell it, THEY don't tell!!) Just to be safe, IF they hum & haw too much about NOT replacing the vehicle, if the damages exceed, say y y y $12,000.00, see a lawyer! It's great that you weren't SERIOUSLY injured, but I'll bet you'll feel the effects in a few days . . . . good luck!
  22. Hm m m m m m . . . . . I wonder what would happen if Canada became the second country (after Russia?) to issue its postal workers with sidearms?
  23. All I ask is that they speak good enough English that I can carry on a decent conversation with them . . . . . ARE YOU LISTENING SYMPATICO?? When you are asked right at the start which language you prefer, and you choose ENGLISH, why do you, nearly 50% of the time, get someone with an accent so heavy that you have to ask them 3 or 4 times to repeat themselves? Although I realize they need a job too, and very well may be very good at what they do, I often just hang up, and try again, hoping to get someone I can understand. I KNOW that's rude, and NOT the technician's fault, but what are you to do, if you simply cannot understand them? The call centre is in New Brunswick, at least that's Canada!
  24. A REAL MAN would be standin' out there, bare-chested, fishin' rod in hand, showin' off a nice big striper!!
  25. I think, as much as I'd hate to, I would go back to Lebarons and pay for it . . . . not that I'm claiming to be squeaky clean honest . . . . but . . . . . as many disagreements as I've had with them over the years, I've NEVER had them DELIBERATELY & KNOWINGLY try to cheat me. I have no clue how, or why, anybody would have tried to charge $10.00 for a (clearly marked) $2.00 store catalogue . . . . but . . . . the ball's in your court!
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