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About ripsomelips

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    Richmond Hill
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  1. Thanks for your input! That's what I'll be doing. Tysg for stripper, recoil guides, and some sort of fuji titanium tip top. Hopefully it'll minimize line grooving. BTW alps titanium or fuji tysg? Lol
  2. Thanks for the info guys! Much appreciated I'm still deciding on type of guides and think i may do the first 2 or 3 TYSG and then rest recoils. Sounds like GLXs with recoils have line groove near the bottom... But that's probably due to the poor guide spacing from the factory.
  3. Hey guys, picked up a sage blank and am looking to get it built. Any suggestions on the guide spacing and sizes? Planning to go with full recoil RSPG guides starting with 16 to 7 tip top. Has anyone built one of these blanks and if so, what kind of spacing was used? Thanks guys
  4. Need the most likes to win a contest
  5. Please help out by OPENING the LINK and click LIKE https://www.facebook.com/driftoutfittersandflyshop/photos/a.965858523510114.1073741833.766883193407649/967098143386152/?type=3&theater Thanks everyone!
  6. Thanks guys! Each Like really helps
  7. Started my ice season fishing the Thames River by testing out my new St.Croix legend silver. It's a 30" medium action rod i purchased primarily for walleye. On my first day out the ice was only about 4" and as usual, the Thames River was dirty with about 6" of visibility. I tossed on a size 6 fire tiger rippin rap tipped with a shiner and after a bit, i marked a suspended fish about 5ft off the bottom. I reeled right up to it and next thing i felt was just weight followed by numerous head shakes. It was a beautiful 24" 5.5lb walleye and the picture taken couldn't of been more perfect with the sun peeking out. The picture was submitted for an ice contest and i was lucky enough to make on the top 10. Please visit the Facebook page below and "LIKE" my picture to help me out! https://www.facebook.com/AnglingSportsLondonLtd/photos/a.458252280904456.108511.457922850937399/844168285646185/?type=1&theater Thanks for your time and tight lines everyone!
  8. Hey Fellows, Heading to Washago with gf on Weds for a few days and would like to do some fishing. Does any know if there are any boat rentals in Couchiching other than Blue Beacon Marina? The cottage's backyard is Black River as well. Has anyone fished that river?
  9. Hey fellows, I'm planning to fish anstruther lake for the day on Saturday. Has anyone fished that lake? If so, hows the fishing and what species are there? Thank you for your time guys!
  10. I could of posted pic from LB. However, LB catalogues are in PDF format which requires all members to have Adobe in order to view the details. To simply things, posting URL to website accomodates everyone. As stated earlier, the etackle link was posted as it was the first link i found with suffificent details. The link was changed earlier to accomodate some people. Not sure why some people are still complaining.....
  11. I guess i should of lol. Was just looking for some comments and didn't expect people to complain
  12. Paid $188.94 no tax.
  13. Thank you for your comment! I look forward to using it, but at the same time there's a possibility there may be a better reel for the same price. If not, shes a keeper. Do you by the chance know where the brand Okuma originated from?
  14. I used etackle as it was the first site i found with sufficient information. However, where did etackle get their pic? From the Okuma website. We both are using the same pics from the same source. I have changed the link to accomodate your complaint
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