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Posts posted by Alfiegee

  1. So many good selections here, great songs and artists. I'm going to add 2 great Canadian song writers. First Gordon Lightfoot.I don't think any thing else needs to be said. Hard for me to forget, the Edmund Fitzgerald wrecked on the day I was born. Every time I hear that song on Nov.10, I'm there.

    Everybody should check out Stan Rodgers, a great folk singer from Hamilton. He was killed in a plane crash in the '80's but his music was great.

  2. Wow. I can't believe so many guys have broken rods.

    In 40 years I only remember breaking 1 rod and that was because a 70 lb roll of tar paper rolled over it in the back of my truck, totally my fault.:whistling:

    I have a 10'6 St Croix Wild River and it is excellent. I have seen people break rods so I always carry a back up if you will. My Orvis 8'6 fly rod is always with me too. I don't think I can really call it a back up tho as it sees as much use as the St Croix.

    I also didn't see anyone mention Mitchell in this thread. I have a 7' Mitchell spinning rod that has been thru everything in the last 10 years since I got it. Including a 25 lb carp 3 weeks ago.



  3. Actually there are brook trout all over southern Ontario. You just have to find the headwaters of most creeks/rivers.

    There habitat is being destroyed due to human development but they are still somewhat abundant if you do a little footwork. The season closes Sept 31st in most places so you have less than a month.


    Ok yes there are a few places left, and I know them, but I would not say they are abundant. Most speck fishers will not give you the time of day if you ask for a good spot. Speck streams are well kept secrets.



  4. Hey all I have been wondering if there are any brook trout in and around the halton region? I have caught a few nice brook trout up in algonquin park before, but I don't know of any other spots to catch them. I have heard that the credit can be good for them, but I was wondering if there was any closer rivers or stocked ponds that I could catch them in. I was out tonight fishing around the milton area, and dident catch anything. I'll be able to get out tomorrow and/or monday to do some more exploring before school starts up again, and if anyone could point me in the right direction that would mean a lot to me!


    Thanks in advance


    - Matt


    LOL No one is going to point you to brookies, they have become so rare these days. I know a few spots, they are my favorite fish but they just aren't around anymore in southern ontario. :whistling:

    I can put you on them, but you'd have to take me.

    Do you fling a fly?



  5. Hypothetically speaking it's unlikely you'd do much damage to a fish on a single point barbless fly.

    But it if happens the "no keep" rule supersedes the "allow to spoil" rule.


    Specks hit hard when they are hungry and you occassionally get one in the gills. I have fished specks since I was 6. 40 years to be exact. 95% of specks that are hooked in the gills will not live. My hypothetical fish was bleeding badly and could not be revived I tried. I should have hypothetically just let it float away to be turtle food?



  6. Completely hypothetically,fly fishing on the upper Credit with barbless hooks. A 20 inch speck is hooked and landed. It is bleeding profusely from the gills and attempts to revive it fail. The upper Credit is a no kill zone, what do you do. It is illegal to keep the fish, but it is also illegal to abandon a fish or allow it to spoil. Hypothetically I hid the fish and got out of there. And hypothetically ate the evidence. What is one supposed to do? I wish I could have released the hypothetical fish as it would have been a good spawner and produced lots of young ones that also would have had the potential to reach that size.



  7. We did this unintentionally to people at a fly in camp last year. A friend of mine took me to a Speck lake north of the Soo. It was a 2 hr drive on old logging roads from the hwy but we made it towing a boat. We really didn't expect to see anyone there. We trolled around a point and here were 4 guys in 2 canoes fishing. They were as surprised to see us as we were them. They had paid quite a bit to be flown into this lake and here we were, in plain clothes I might add. They didn't take any offense to us being there, rather they wanted to know how they could drive in, in the future and said good for us. A little local knowledge can go a long way towards finding places like that.

    The trout fishing was great and the 6 of us shared the lake for the next 3 days. We were even invited to camp by their outpost cabin.



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