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About picporch

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  1. I just wanted to thank all of you for your remedies for my leaky boat. Thank Irish for all your help. I would also like to thank you all for making me laugh about my swimming while I should be fishing. Dan
  2. marine goop mustly hasnt woorked though
  3. hello I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this question. I have a leaky aluminum boat but i just cant seem to patch it every year I do and the nest year it leaks again. Is there a spray or something that i could paint brush on that would seal this sinking boat so that I may fish with out water around my ankles? Any and all idea would be welcomed and thanks in advance Dan
  4. thanks to all that replied I will be hitting one of the places sat after work, I will post what ever I catch Dan
  5. Hello all I have been wait, like all of to get some ice fishing in. I am planning a trip to Nip mid feb but i was wondering if any new of any good like places in the area of cambridge to hit i would be greatly appreciated to any help that is given my way. I can be reached here or at [email protected] Thanks Dan
  6. hello all, I have been a member here for a couple of days and have not said hello yet. i just wanted to let you know about the best day of fishing I have ever had in december. So I start my holidays today and decide to go fishing at belwood lake in fergus and it produced 11 pike ranging from 2 pounds to 10 it was great, nothing like getting your limit in last December. Pictures will follow soon! Thanks guy I hope that you can get down here before their is ICE ( if there is going to ever be some Dan
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