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About winterwisp

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  1. Thanks for all the replies! I checked it out yesterday but didn't bring any corn. I've never fished for carp before (I'm still very new to fishing). I'll give it a shot again sometime this week. Thanks again!
  2. Yikes! I guess I shouldn't go there then. It's a pity because its the closest fishing place to me. I have to drive about 45 minutes to guelph lake to fish now.
  3. Hi there, I'm new here and was just wondering if anyone has tried fishing at G Ross Lord park? There's a reservoir there and I drive by it everyday going to work. If anyone could tell me about it that would be great. I tried googling it and someone said people get mugged out of their gear? Its really close to me and I would love to know if its a safe spot with fish where I could spend a couple hours after work. Thanks!
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