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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Just to let you all know what’s happening with the ice. Since the warm weather and the rains we are losing our ice in a lot of spots. I personally will not recommend ice fishing anywhere on the B.O.Q... There are way too many spots that are just not safe (period). Yesterday they opened up 2 shoots at full blast at dam 1 on the Trent River and this is now a DEFINITE place to STAY AWAY from at this time. The Moria River in Belleville is also flowing high and fast so the same applies for it as the Trent. I have been out driving around and have seen a lot of places with the ice has broken away from the shore line. With all these conditions I have personally cancelled all of my guide bookings at this time and have no idea at this time when I’ll rebook. I know some will disagree with some of my observations but the fellows I depend on have been ice fishing for years around here and they have the same attitude as mine. STAY OFF THE ICE EVERYWHERE ON THE B.O.Q. Our long range forecast is stating some very cold nights for next week so we will see what happens. I’ll let you all know for sure next week after we get the cold weather back. Thx. and sorry for the bad report but I still maintain that lives are more important than the almighty dollar……….Ron
  2. My derby went over very good .I had a total of 58 entries for the adults and 4 for the kids. Every-one that I talked to said that it was a very good and fun derby and it was a definite challenge to try and catch a small fish. Some even said it was hard to do on any water but the Bay of Quinte makes it even harder. Every-one said they really enjoyed themselves and are definitely coming back next year. The first place price of a SrikeMaster 10 inch gas auger went to Jamie Coe who entered an 8 inch walleye. The second price of a Helly Hansen survival suit went to Duffy Hinch who entered an 8&1/4 inch walleye. Third place of a one man Pak Shack went to Donnie Killingbeck who entered an 11&1/4 inch walleye. Fourth place of a Rhino Tackle bag went to Cory Botting. Fifth place of two ice rod and reel combo’s went to Doug Skinkle. Sixth place of two Sunoco gas cards worth 20.00 each went to Jeff Chisholm. And seven place of a sportsman flashlight went to Ian Kimmett. For the kids I only had 4 entries and only two showed up for the presentations and both of these young fellows received a St. Croix rod and reel combo. I did forget to mention at the presentations about my surprise and that is a main trophy made up for the first place winners name to be put on in both the kids and the adults. This trophy will be on display at my store and the both winners from the kids and adult will receive another smaller one for their own possession. This is one of the surprises that I had previously mentioned. The other surprise I was hoping to launch was a draw price of a vexlar flasher unit, but since I had to cover the cost myself I needed 100 entries to do it. Next year I will be more pursuant on getting bigger and better prices from different companies as well as my-self and have the draw price. Thanks to every-one that participated and we will see you all again next year. Ron
  3. To answer all the phone calls and emails Yes the 25th is on a sunday.
  4. Here is the final update for the ice fishing derby. First of all let me make a correction. The first prize ( IS A 10 inch GAS POWERED ICE AUGER) by StrikeMaster. I was looking at some electrics for next year just before I sent out the last update and said it was a 10 and ½ inch electric(not) The second price is a Helly Hansen survival suit donated by Roof Tech and the third prize is a one man ice hut by Pak Shak. I now have other prizes that have been donated by some of my distributors that I purchase product from. East side archery has donated a prize and our local Sunoco station has also donated a couple of gas cards worth $20.00 each. For the kids prices I will donate St. Croix ice rod combo’s for the top 6 . The prices are on display at my store. The entrance fee is $25.00 per adult and $10.00 for children 12 and under. You may purchase your tickets at my store up-to and including the 25th. Start time is 6:30 am and final measure in time is no later than 7:00 pm. Any fish brought in after this time will not be counted or measured. I will have last say on all measurements. In case of a tie these fish will then be weighed (smallest weight wins.) If still a tie then the names will be put in a hat and drawn. Prizes will be awarded that same evening. I will also have a little surprise to be announced at the end of the derby. All fished will be measured in at my store only. All waters of the Bay of Quinte from the Glendora ferry to the entrance of the Murray canal are open to the derby. West of the ferry and in the Murray canal is out of bounds. Just remember that this derby is for the smallest not the biggest. The walleye fishing , I’m sure a lot of you are aware of, is coming back big time and I do not want any of the prime spawners that we need to keep it going coming into my store dead when they should be released. 99% of the people that I have told this to think this is a great idea and think it should be a lot of fun.( how many men do you know that want to brag about the smallest?) Just to let you all know I have tied up a lot of suppliers that are saving me minnows for this week- end and I am checking with them every other day to make sure they have them. Every-one of them have more than committed their-selves to help out. And from what they have on hand at this point I will have them here on time. If you have any questions please call me @ 613-969-1035 or email me. Let’s all have fun but let’s be safe and remember bring everything back you took with you. ………………...Ron
  5. I can understand where some of you are coming from. So let me explain about pictures, and a little more. First of all I will tell you that I am not a computer person I'm actually sitting here and typing with two fingers, I do not know a lot about them because I'm old school. I'm probably old enough to a lot of you guys father. I have tried numerous times to load my pictures but I have been informed that I need some program to downsize all my pictures that I have taken from my camera. When I have time to get some-one in to do this for me I will send you all pics. to look at. Sorry for my ignorance and stupidity. But fishing to me is priority one. I'll take care of my stupid ness at another time. Fishing is too good at this time to worry about pics. Again I do apologize and I will get the problem solved. Thx. Ron
  6. Just to bring things up to date for you all on the derby. The price is $25.00 per adult and kids 12 and under is only $10.00. The kid’s first second and third price will be a St Croix ice rod and reel .Prizes from 4th down will be lures and plastics. The first price for the adults is a 10 and ½ inch electric Ice auger. Second price is a survival suit and third price is still to come. Remember this derby is for the smallest. NOT BIGGEST. The derby is on the 25th of February 2007. Hopefully I can find some more help on the donations. If I can’t I will also put up the third price myself. I’m trying to get a one man ice hut. I will update this by next weekend. Thx. Ron
  7. Sorry I missed my report last night but I missed it for two reasons. #1- I had my fly-fishing group club meeting last night and it was packed in here and I did not get out of here until after midnight. #2- I also wanted to wait until I got back some reports of other areas that we have been fishing and checking out. Now for the good news. Our areas are safe and we have fish on them, there is a nice batch of them sitting in two of the areas and one area is jamming with them. In fact the one area is so jammed that you can hardly get your jig down to the bottom and you’re on to another one. Most of the fish in this area are small. But with the way things went in past years their either going to leave and it will become tough to find fish or the big ones will move in with them. With the types of currents we are having this year I’m speculating that they will stay. When you come in for your bait I’ll be more than happy to help put you on to some of these areas. The usual areas that people are fishing at this time are still producing fish. Today they were slamming the baits not playing with them. I have 8000 minnows coming in tomorrow at 12 noon so I should be good with these and what I now have on hand for the weekend. My stock is coming in on a daily basis and with the big delivery I have coming in tomorrow I will be well equipped with your needs. Anyone that is heading this way for the weekend please drive with caution and arrive safe and sound and be ready to have some great fishing. We have had some reports of garbage left behind on the ice from some folks, so just remember to have another look around before you leave and let’s take it back with us and dispose of it in its proper place. If you can not find a proper place to dispose it,. please bring it to my store I would be more than happy to get rid of it for you. Remember have fun be safe and bring back everything you took with you………Ron
  8. There is a rumor circulating that I have no minnows. This is not the truth. What happened is that I ran out of minnows last Sunday at 2:30 pm. Never thought that I would go through 11,500. minnows in 2 and 1/2 days. I was closed on Monday morning until I got my new supply in. I do have minnows and will have all kinds for the weekend. Planning on bringing in 12,000 for the week end. I'm getting another 4000 tomorrow morning. We are checking some different area's this week and I will be letting you all know on the weekend when you come in if they are a go or not yet. We have not got any good conclusions to announce anything yet. You all know me I want to check safety first then the fishing. I do know that these areas are not touched by any-one at this time and they are hot spots at the right time of the season. The other area's such as Pointe Anne (current area), Pete’s Point, Herkimer, Big Island have been hit hard by a lot of people and the bite is not as furious as it was so this is our main reason to start checking out our area's that we know about and when there on we can start sending our customers to them. I will know for sure by Friday afternoon. Have fun be safe and bring back everything you took with you ......Ron
  9. Well two of my friends and I managed to get out yesterday for some ice fishing and we did pretty good. Okay I’ll tell the truth one of us did pretty darn good. Two of us got skunked. I missed at least three for sure my other buddy missed one for sure. Joan kicked our butts. She lost one at the hole (nice fish about 7 to 8 pounds). She had it half way out of the hole and it jumped and broke her line and took MY LURE back to the depths. Gave her one of my other bud’s lures and she continued to put a show on. I actually fished one hole for a good ¾ of an hour and left. Joan came over and started to fish it and missed two and landed one. She managed to put the only five fish that were caught on the ice. It’s too bad she aint never going fishing with us again and it has nothing to do with her kicking butt. Oh alright maybe a bit. The ice we fished on was 12 to 13 inches thick, we marked a few fish. This was an area that I wanted to try because I knew no-one was fishing it. So I guess I guided one person to the right place. Next time I go out I’m going back there and trying in a different spot. Let you all know when I know for a fact that their stacked. Usually it is a little later in the season. I may have not caught any fish last night but it was a nice peaceful night to watch some-one else catch them. I’ll get the touch back, then watch out Ms Joanne. Then I may invite you again (maybe) Have fun be safe and bring back everything you took with you…………Ron
  10. from the glenora ferry to as far west and no further than the murray canal.
  11. The fishing has been exactly as I predicted for this weekend so far. Most every-one is catching fish in all size categories. All areas are coming back with fantastic reports. Got to love that first ice Wally’s. A lot of people have come from a long way and are very happy with their weekend so far. This morning the fisher people were lined up in the front of the store biting at the bullet and could not wait to get out there. So after getting them their licenses and minnows away they went. It wasn’t to long after this that I started to get phone calls from some that had their cell phones to thank me for putting them on fish and telling me that this is the best time they have had on the bay in years for their first trip out. I will mention that if it wasn’t for they guy’s that have been out scouting and giving me their reports all week it would have probably been a different story. I’m sure that a lot of the old haunts would have produced also but from the reports I got back, the reports were dead on again just like last year. To those few guys I tip my hat and say thank-you and like I have been saying these guys are known and respected as the best when it comes to the Bay of Quinte. They prove it every year. Have fun be safe and bring back everything…….Ron
  12. I’m hosting a fishing derby for walleye on February the 25th.- 2007. I’m going to do it a little different than the usual. Instead of the biggest that wins the prizes its going to be the smallest. The main reason for doing this is so that we are not killing those fish that are prime spawners. The rules are very simple. It’s a one fish measure in only per ticket. It will be calculated by inches and not weight. I will have final say of how they will be measured. ( from the tip of the head back to the end of the tail not pinched together.) Pre fishing will be on the previous day (the 24th) . The derby in will close at 7:00 pm on the 25th. All fish that are to be measured in must be no later than this. Start time is 6:30 am on the 25th. All those wishing to participate may buy tickets from now and up-to and including the day of the derby. The tickets at this time are available at my store only. First price is gas powered 10 inch ice auger donated by Skevy’s Outdoor Specialities. Second price is a Helly Hansen survival suit. There will be other prizes to announce. At this time I just wanted to get this out to you all so you can plan your day. More to follow. Ron
  13. To answer all your questions of who am I without getting in problems with the board I did a introduction a while back and if you look it up it describes me 100%. I'll try to pm you but as busy as I am at this time it may be a-while. All I will say at this time is that I am a atticted fisherman (12 months a year) and that is all I do and have for over 40 years. I have had a lot of questions to-day about ice conditions and I again will try to get the message out but before I do I will mention that I am no ice expert I have no degree what so ever about ice. The only info that I can give you is based on what I and a lot of fellows that are experienced on the ice. We have 5 inches and more of hard good ice in the protected areas. The guys and gals are now using their atv’s on these area’s but they are not going out of these area’s at this time. The middle of the bay is not safe to cross. Yes we have ice all the way across but it is no way safe or recommended for these types of vehicles. I won’t even walk across. (common sense dictates that to me.) There are people attempting this crossing and turning around and coming back after they check it. I could care less what any-one is saying about the current area’s with the flow we have coming down the bay at this time it is NOT SAFE AS OF YET. Give it a little more time and we all will be rocking. The walleye are hitting so good at this time in all area’s that there is no reason to be in any type of current area’s. One fellow that came in-to the store was telling me that they were out at a point that has current and had good ice out there BUT they had to cross THIN ICE to get to it. (Kind of dangerous if you ask me.) One thing I really want to ask is if you make a big hole and leave please take and mark it. I use a red flag on a stick to let every-one know. We had an incident the other day that was little scary. Some-one made a huge hole and did not mark it, the next morning a fellow was walking out and broke through and fell in up to his waist. He managed okay but was not a very happy camper. He did take the time and marked it himself. The fish are biting real well at this time so be safe use common sense and have fun and I’ll maybe see you out there on Sunday when I go out. Have fun, be safe and bring back everything you went with. ……Ron
  14. Just to let every-one know with the extreme cold we are getting in the next few days this weekend will be a go. But still stay away from current areas. I do have a huge amount of minnows on hand , all the jigs required for the area , portable ice huts , spuds , vexlars , foot treads and on and on. You can probably name it and I got it. The most asked question I get is do I have licenses. Yep you bet. I have both resident and non-resident. Have fun be safe and bring back everything you took with you, Ron
  15. Well the bay has and still is freezing up. The areas that I have not mentioned are coming along very good and I’m almost 100% sure they are going to be safe by the end of the week. I am still not going to mention them until they are safe. I’ll keep you all informed as usual. The protected areas not close to current are safe and the local gang today were banging fish in Big Bay, Potters, Herkimer and Petes point. . The bite was very good for all that went out. If you stay in these areas you’re on good ice, but I know that you still should be taking a spud and checking as you go. It really does not matter what thickness you are getting but with first ice up all of the areas will not be consistent. I sold a ton and half of minnow’s to-day so I got to talk to a lot of people besides my locals that I always check with and all were saying that they are happy with the conditions and agree with me on spudding your way to make sure. This weekend is looking better and better. Let’s hope that the bite is still on like it is right now. Just remember one thing if you do decide to come out on the weekend STAY AWAY FROM CURRENT AREA’S. If you’re not sure where to go check in with me before you go out and I’ll show you where to go and where to not go. For those of you that need my phone no. its 613-969-1035. I’ll be out fishing on the weekend so I may see some of you out there and I will take pictures for you all. Have fun, be safe and bring back everything you took with you. ………Ron
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