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Chris Krzyzanowski

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Posts posted by Chris Krzyzanowski

  1. The water level in that region has dropped significantly, almost 3 feet I believe, from where it was last year. Therefore prepare yourself for not a ton of productivity. The water temperatures all depend on the weather which I believe is supposed to cool down in a couple of days.


    I have been fishing there for a number of years and so long as you get an early start to the day you will catch fish. Probably in farther out then where you normally fish due to the low water levels. Try areas such as restouille bay, eagles island, and try trolling at night and casting in the morning right outside of sturgeon bay which is quite close to wolseley bay. Those places always produce fish ranging from bass, muskie and pike.


    Hope that helps


    Are you staying at a lodge?

  2. I have planned a trip out to the French river for a 5th year in a row and usually I target pike and bass. Last year though I got hooked on muskie fishing for when I was trolling a 3 inch Husky Jerk I hooked a 55inch muskie. I was able to land it and release it safely. That exhilaration that came with hooking a fish that immense has never really left me all year and as I am about to make my way up to the French river I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some Muskie fishing tips for spring/early summer, recommend some lures and information on everything to do with muskie fishing



  3. Any idea how bad the bugs might be at that time? Should I have a head net?


    there will be mosquitoes out at night but you probably won't encounter very many during the day as you will probably be out on the water. If you stop for a shorelunch though be prepared to battle hordes of horseflies. So in that case you may want head gear but overall its probably not necassary

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