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About sasknoob

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  1. Hi guys & gals! First post so I guess a quick intro is in order...From Moose Jaw, SK, been fishing the lower half of the province since I was old enough to hold a rod. Currently fishing Buffalo Pound Lake, it's a shallow, man made lake (20 ft at best) which is pretty good in the spring for walleye and pike. Been having good success this year using just a plain Lindy Rig and leeches, regularly pulling in walleye in the 5 lb range but being such a shallow lake the weeds & algae are already starting to take over & the fish will soon be in-edible so I'll be moving on to Lake Diefenbaker. It's another man made lake but is MUCH larger, be looking for walleye, rainbows and lake trout. Anyway, I'm going to be out east visiting my sister from June 15th to 22nd who lives on the Bruce Peninsula and I'm looking for advice or tips on where to fish while I'm out there. I will be mostly limited to shore fishing but will consider renting a boat if there is exceptional fishing in the area. Any tips on lures and techniques are also welcome. Thanks in advance Sean
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