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Everything posted by go5

  1. also.... don't think I will be trolling much as probably just be me out in the canoe. Hope just jigging will yiled me some results (but not holding my breath!)
  2. wow, thanks all the replies ! Great information
  3. Hey all, So I am going on a canoe trip and the lake we are heading to has basically lake trout (I have heard/read). I have been doing some reading on lake trout and while all advice is to do some trolling I won't have that luxury so my question is: Any tips on trying for lake trout from a canoe? I realize this may be a hard but thought maybe someone has had some luck trying this way. I realize they will be deep and jigging looks like the way to go but any specific setups? Thanks for any help!
  4. Will check it out, thanks!
  5. I guess you would be right about publicly posting a spot. Was just looking for more general area in my area to start. Sometimes there are spots to enter/park, etc that I thought some might know that are not really secret. And if you mean "go fishing in a local to you body of water" by what I think you mean then call me crazy but I thought I was clear in stating that is what I wanted to do Thanks!
  6. Shore fishing.....
  7. Hi all, So I recently took an interest in getting into fishing a little more seriously. I have dabbled for a couple years but looking to fish more. I live in Mississauga so does anyone know of any good spots close or at least within 30 mins away. I would like to start going out in the mornings but have no real idea where to check out. Thanks for any replies
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