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About Laphayette

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  1. That is perfect. Thanks for the link.
  2. Ha killer. If you know the river, when I go up, we useually take off from The Fort (Fort William) in the boat, whether it's a canoe or the 16 footer... lots of islands and places to explore. It will be a few weeks before we get back, but I think I'll see what I can do from shore in Ottawa. Living in centre town with no car limits things a little bit.
  3. I saw that vid on youtube and what a great idea. Now I just have to get to a park to see how far a good cast goes.
  4. so I've dabbled in fishing over the years, but now it's time to actually try to do it, and hopefully catch a fish or two in the process. So there is a good chance that I'll be asking a question or 10 in this place, looking for advice, and eventually post a shot or two of a fish that I caught. I hope. So quick background. I mainly try my fishing with a buddy of mine up in Sheen Quebec on the Ottawa river (right across from Pembroke and Base Petawawa). We just finished putting back together a 16 foot aluminum boat that was falling apart (this was an old boat with most of the wood on it rotten, so new wood, screws, etc). Took it on the river last week, it floats, so here we go. Odds are I will head down to the Ottawa river here in town (live in Ottawa actually) so see what I can get off of the shores. I actually just got back from Toronto where I spent cash on a new baitcast reel ( http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_104116_100001000_100000000_100001000_100-1-0 ) and rod ( http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_44528_100002006_100000000_100002000?cmCat=CROSSSELL_THUMBNAIL ) ( I got the 2 pc one, second from the bottom) and a bunch of other new toys, although too bad the prices at the store wasn't the same as the ones on-line. Anyhoo. First question. Last year I picked up a Hummingbird Piranha 215 portable (which has a dual beam 20 and 60 degree range), and I'm don't know exacly how to set it up. When I attach the suction cup with the transducer to the boat, what 'direction' should it be facing? I placed it on the left side of the nose of the boat, about 3 or 4 inches below the water, but should the unit be pointed so that it's parallel to the water, or should I have it pointed facing the bottom of the river? As it's adjustable and can angle it up and down, I'm not sure if I'm setting it up right. For the first trip with it (last weekend) I had it at a 45 degree angle, with the flat front of the transducer face down towards the bottom of the river. As the instructions don't really say, is the front part of the unit where the sonar signal comes from, or is it at the bottom of the unit? I tried to find something online, but got frustrated looking and figured this would be a great place to start. Also if anyone has suggestions on how to use this thing to it's full potention, that would be great as well. Now I'm off to go find good videos on how to use this new reel I picked up today. Cheers all.
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