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Posts posted by stainer

  1. well like everyone else has stated so far its a little slow motion on Scugug.. so as far as good spots were still looking.






    Stainer, you from the area ? i live in off of Scugog Point ( 5 min from view lake )

    let me know when your goin Il keep my eye out for ya, I'l be in my blue springbok



    Yeah, I'm relatively new to living the Lindsay area but my grandparents lived on Sturgeon for 20+ years, so I'm very familary with the area.


    I'll send you a PM when I decide to go.

  2. Loved the movie. I wish they chose a better villain, though. I loved Starks comment about the "glorified glowstick" that Loki uses.


    Did anyone recognize the villain in the teaser after the credits? Looked like Red Skeleton from the Captain America movie to me.

  3. Welcome aboard !


    Do I dare ask the significance of the name ? I dunno ... but I'm gettin some pretty gnarly visuals trying to guess :)


    Ha. It's a nickname stemming from my last name. I really do hope you've rid yourself of those images!

  4. welcome aboard Stainer....its good to have an ex MNR around for referencing things....but im not sure what ever could possibly come up requiring your expertise :whistling:


    Ha...I shall do my best. If both the Feds and provincial government continue cutting, there might not be much to reference :mellow:

  5. I'd like to formally introduce myself to the forum. Although I've been a lurker and browsing the threads for a while now, I'll be posting more often.


    I'm an avid angler (of all species), canoeist, outdoorsman who's fished all over this lovely province of ours and I've even worked for the MNR (some of you - don't hold it against me!). Anyways, I figured I'd say hi and if anyone ever needs an extra in the boat, don't hesitate to PM me and I'll put out the call when I need an extra in mine. I might even try my luck this weekend in the Haliburton area for some ice out trout.



    - Stainer

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