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Posts posted by 416angler

  1. I used the black bronze eye spro all summer last year and prolly missed 1 -2 fish out of countless largies must be a bad 1 or the boddy is harder than mine. I give them a good 3-5 secs after the "blow up" before I set the hook . I use 80lb braid on my frog rod, which is a 7'11" heavy, fast action PT tour edition with a 201 curado. I find with the slop frogs you really have to swing for the fence when ya set,but some guys use 30lb braid with medium weight rods. all depends on what your confidence is in the spro frogs work amazing for me I have 6-8 of them, some guys can't stand them. I also love venom soft plastic frogs they are great but hard to find around my neck of the woods I CANT WAIT to chuck a frog in the reeds.


    Good point! Gotta wait those 2-3 seconds before hook set or you will lose 'em.

  2. Went out late afternoon to leak test my "new" boat. Went really well... only one tiny leak. While me and my buddy were lugging it into the water his daughter was pointing to the water saying "fishy". I look to my left at the little creek assuming there's a tad pole. Nothing, I'm like wheres the fish? She points out to the lake again, I'm like OHHHHHHHHH jeeze!


    Seriously there were over a hundred that I could count in a matter of seconds...


    Now are they coming into spawn? The area I was at the water was fairly shallow. Do they feed when they are in this close freaking out?


    They were just slapping each other almost... not sure exactly.


    There was this one that came right up to shore...like less than a foot from shore. I went over by it, stayed COMPLETELY still until I walked away and it took off like a bat out of hell. Huge swells of water as it took off.


    I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to catch one of these guys... If so.. what bait would I use. Its ALL slop (probably the reason they were surfacing (just hitting seaweed everywhere else).


    Here is a video of just one of the MANY swarms I saw :


    http://yfrog.us/10dscf0877z (can't do a direct link with .mp4 on this site....)


    And here's what the whole area looks like :




    How would you even being to fish this area? Would it be a waste of time (the skeeters are horrible in this area lol)?




    Yeah, seeing that many of them is almost traumatizing! :) Saw the same thing at Rice around the same time last year.

  3. You would be better off going into your local tackle shop and talking to someone there. Make them aware you're just getting into fishing and could use some help. Buy a few items and they'll usually point you in the right direction to catch some fish. You'll probably find most people are much more likely to help you in person than in a setting like this.


    The problem with posting good spots with easy shore access to the masses is that they don't remain good for too long.





    Thanks for trying to explain. However, as I mentioned earlier, this thread is not for me. I guess some of the more slightly paranoid individuals replying to this thread have a false sense of entitlement to public land.


    Anyone who can find google maps and knows how to type can eventually find the information I'm trying to compile here. It's hardly classified.


    I appreciate the neutral tone you used to express your thoughts though. I'm afraid others have mistaken their use of sarcasm for wit!


    List continues..



  4. I'll see if I can find out what shoreline my step mother (that inherited everything!) fishes on and then I'll be sure to post it so she has LOTS of company. :blink:


    come on 416 angler you must be kidding! :rolleyes:




    Actually, I'm not kidding. Some of you have contributed positively to this thread. Thank you and I hope you continue so that newbie anglers who don't own a boat and don't have a lot of time off can enjoy some time fishing without going from location to location looking for a good spot (even though some people include that as part of their angling experience).


    As you can see from the list, the spots mentioned are fairly generalized. You don't have to worry about "your" secret spot (on public property :)) being compromised.

  5. I was wondering if people would be interested in compiling an Ontario shore fishing locations list? Feel free to list the spot and any relevant info. you would like to share. Some places are obvious but those new to angling might find it useful.


    I'll start..


    Toronto Islands

    Ashbridge's Bay

    Frenchman's Bay

    Fenelon Falls

    Lake Scugog - behind the grocery store

  6. The parts in the regs about pictures and releasing fish are just suggestions they are not regulations. You can still get fined for not releasing fish "immediately" by measuring it.

    Take your chances by interpreting the way you wish. Either way it's Bull unless you know your rights. Not sure how you are supposed to release a fish immediately that is in a slot with out measuring myself. So you risk a fine the way I see it and I couldn't get a straight answer on this when I inquired. :good:



    Gbfisher, thanks for inquiring with MNR. At least now they know there is some ambiguity in their language.

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