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About mudball

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  1. Hi, all. Maybe you could help identify two old rusty fish hooks found in northern Wisconsin. They are about three inches long with straight shanks and barbless. What's most unusual is the kink in the hook just down from where a barb would normally be. These were found by a friend and I don't have them, so this photo is all I have for reference. Thanks in advance for ideas.
  2. Musky baits seem to be getting bigger and bigger these days as seen on TV shows and in tackle stores. I've watched the TV guys talk about moving more water with big-bladed bucktails (they always land a large fish right at the end of the show!) Last weekend I was in a tackle shop and checked out their musky offerings. Holy smokes! There were huge bucktails with spinner blades bigger than trash can lids! (don't know brand but cost $35) Being for the most part a lazy guy and knowing that serious musky fishing can require 14-hour days on the water, I've always favored smaller bucktails to reduce the effort. An added consideration is increased wear on knots, line, and reel. What are your thoughts? Have these baits been worth the effort? Can you claim an advantage one way or the other? Thanks, mudball from Minnesota-LOW is my favorite fishing hole!
  3. search on line. I have bought very good prescription fishing glasses from a company (whose name escapes me) based in Miami. They cater to flats fishermen and had some lighter tints I was searching for evening musky hijinx
  4. I was asked by my wife and I don't know the answer. I do know that various plastic worms and grubs and such can become a gooey mess in the tackle box. Can we plan to hand down the Gulp! baits to the grandchildren in twenty years? :rolleyes:
  5. Cool report and what a cool looking cedar strip boat shown carrying the canoes. What can any one tell about it and its type? Manufacturer? How common? Where to find? TIA.
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