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About drummerburns

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  1. I apologize for this being my first post as I've been lurking around the forums for quite some time. I actually had my net stolen out of the box of my pickup truck while night fishing the aquaduct at the Welland River a couple months ago. I grew up in Welland and came back for some nostalgic fishing from back in my childhood and couldn't believe someone would lift a fishing net. I had picked it up from Pete's in St. Catharines for over $80 and only had it a couple months... it was too big to fit in the cab and I don't have a cover for the back, but surprisingly enough, I had left it in there parked overnight in Toronto, Burlington, St. Catharines... let's just say it was pretty disappointing having someone from my hometown be the one to steal it. The last place I thought it would grow legs! Whatever happened to the fishermen's code... I can understand finding a lure somewhere... but when you find rods, reels, nets, tackle boxes... just leave them... the person will eventually realize and be back for them. Outside of my disappointment I did want to reiterate that I am a fan of the site and will hopefully be posting more often in the future! Thanks, Burns.
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