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Chris 362

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Posts posted by Chris 362

  1. #1) Why mention the river your fishing on a forum with so many members?


    #2) After mentioning the river, why mention the specific tiny town you were fishing it in?


    I grew up in that area. The amount of guys fishing there now is crazy compared to when I was a kid.

    It's sad to see. So much litter along the banks and at the main parking spots.


    Thanks..............................I didn't realize I had actually pin pointed the exact spot where I had been fishing in a vast river that runs through many towns and let everyone know about my excellent bounty of suckers and one moon eye...........

  2. Hit an old spot of mine on the Grand to kill some time as I had little to do yesterday.


    Nothing to special, landed about 7 suckers, and one moon eye which actually put up a pretty good fight.


    Kinda sad to see the decline in fishing in that area as only several years ago you could pull up a few nice sized bass within an hour around this time of year.

  3. Hey guys,


    Never introduced myself properly, as you can tell, my name is Chris and I've been fishing pretty much all my life. Always followed the site, but never actually contributed so I thought I would start.


    Hit the grand yesterday (York Area), and caught a bunch OOS bass and this pretty big Drummie which hit right on shore. It was also good to see a CO officer checking licenses which was a first for me in that area. One guy got a ticket for something but not sure for what.

  4. Hey guys,


    Never introduced myself properly, as you can tell, my name is Chris and I've been fishing pretty much all my life. Always followed the site, but never actually contributed so I thought I would start.


    Hit the grand yesterday (York Area), and caught a bunch OOS bass and this pretty big Drummie which hit right on shore. It was also good to see a CO officer checking licenses which was a first for me in that area. One guy got a ticket for something but not sure for what.

  5. Hey just wondering for all you Hamilton locals if you've had any luck fishing around the city. I've been out to Burlington Bay, Desjardins Canal, and the lift bridge.............Not even a bite, im gonna try some with minnows this week and maybe hook into some perch. I dont really care what I catch just, I just like to get out. Suprisingly I was using worms and didn't even land one goobie. Kinda sad how they have taken over a once very fun to fish harbour.

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