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Everything posted by jdangelo

  1. Check out: http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/nature/fish.html This website has lots of good information on Algonquin Park. There is also a link to the 2009 fishing survey results. It should give you a good idea of some of the 'popular' lakes that should produce fish. I've done several trips into the park over the past few summers, always accessing from Opeongo and heading in through Happy Isle, merchant and into Big Trout. Trolling deep with spoons has always worked this time of the year. I had some success with Mepps spinners last spring in the second week of May, but not nearly as much as others I talked to were having. The fishing should be fast and furious during May though, so best of luck. Anyone offer any other favourite presentations/techniques for spring lakers/specs in the Park?
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