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About cheetah

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  1. I got out for a couple hrs. today drilled a few holes straight out from the park and to the north. I still didn't find any water deeper than 1.5ft. I tried to find your holes, but with all the sled tracks it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. And no fish!
  2. I was thinkin' about trying to get out today. The little park you are talking about is at the end of my road(grandview dr.) So were you in the area just past where the river starts to widen? What were you using for bait, and were the perch of any size?
  3. Hey, were you able to get out on monday and find any deeper water?
  4. o.k, I'll do that. thanks.
  5. Hey, has anyone been onto pigeon at all? specifically the river, I'm down by the Glen, drilled a bunch of holes but can't seem to find any water deeper than 1-2.5 ft. Apparently the channel will be as deep as 9ish ft. in the summer, but with the ice right now @ 14-16 inches and the levels down it's hard to find any depth. i would love to get into atleast 4ft of water for perch. P.S I know chemong is just a few km's down the road, but pigeon is almost at my doorstep....which makes it quite accesible for a quick dodge down to the fishin' hole to get some dinner! Thanks, Chris
  6. hey, pigeon river is closed from the dam in omemee to the C.N railroad, as it is deemed a fish sanctuary. anywhere north of the railroad is open. i contacted the M.N.R to verify before I went out. Thanks for the concern....Now just let me know where the fish and deeper water is and I'll be set!
  7. Hi, everyone, I'm a new member to this forum and I have a question. I live just by the Glen on the pigeon river, and would really like to do some ice fishing nearby, I was out yesterday and drilled many holes....To find out I couldn't find any more water depth other than 1-2.5 feet, If anybody knows where there might be some deeper spots, than that would save me alot of drilling. I usually walk out onto the river at Beach rd. Just off of Kenedon rd. in the Andimar estates. I know chemong is just down the road a few km's but the river is pretty much at my doorstep. Unfortunately i've never been able to fish it in a boat, so therefore I am unsure about any depths or where the channel may run. Thanks for any advice that anyone may have and good luck to all the people ice fishing in our new area's. Chris.
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