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Everything posted by idletyme

  1. I agree with THrasher on the summer fishing on Nipissing it has been out of this world the last two seasons. As for the suspeneded I believe it we had a guy get an eight pounder the other day fishing for what he thought were herring halfway down the water column. There is an increased number of smelts in the lake as guys fishing with pin heads are catching them on hooks and lines. The reasonn why the summer fishing isn't being affected is because the pickerel have to be on the bottom to be in there comfort level. The winter time the water is all the same so they will roam to any depth the food is at. I have been trying one hook on the bottom and another one about fifteen feet up on the samr line. Not too much sucess yet but it doesn't hurt to try. If you think Nipissing's walleye are on the decline give it a try in the summer months...... I am sure the experience will change your mind. Happy Fishing
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