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Posts posted by Jigs_up

  1. My eldest daughter will be off to University this fall and asked me if I would post this here.


    I generally don't solicit this type of assistance, but what could I say, what would any parent say. :)


    She (Mackenzie) is a bright kid who has stayed solely focused on her academic career throughout high school at the expense of her social life, not easy to do with all the pressures teens face these days. Also for the last 2 years she has been working evenings after school and 9 hour Saturdays (while maintaining top grades) to help pay her own way through school. She's now found another way to earn some money.


    It's an essay contest with a number of prizes to be awarded to those achieving the most votes.

    What she's hoping to achieve through dad's post here, is votes from the good folks at OFC.


    You can view her essay here.....





    and if you believe it worthy of a vote or two, please do. She'll be thrilled!


    Apparently you can vote twice a day and it runs till December. I won't pin this but I'll likely bump it back monthly till it's over.


    With thanks to all, a loving Dad. :)

  2. If you're coming from Cambridge then Bewdley launch is the closest for you (Just north of the LCBO on Rice Lake Drive). It's a decent free public launch but since the town decided to revamp the area there is no parking for your trailer directly near the launch. There is free parking right at the launch but you would have to disconnect your trailer and park it in one of the spots (secured of course). A better place to launch is Harris Boat Works. Only another 5 minutes east at Gores landing. For $5 you can launch, park and take out. Beat deal around and a great launch.(You can launch before they're open on the Honour system, use the mail box at the launch) Don't use the public launch at Gores landing unless you like to swear a lot. One of the most frustrating launches I've ever used. No parking, no dock and very shallow.

    As for fishing, if you launch at Harris you will see three islands straight north. Jigging or drifting on the north side of the channel between the western two islands over towards the mouth of the Otonabee river has been decent for walleye. The points off the island and the area just south of what's known as the "sunken islands" (see charts) have been decent fro smallmouth and for largemouth try your luck heading east from Harris (Gores Landing) to the first point on the southern shore. Just around the east side of the point there are some prime largemouth habitat. Hope that's enough to get you started. Enjoy.



  3. Thanks Terry. I've been trying that. Guess I just have to add a little more patience. When I see something coming to my bait on the flasher I just assume it's going to be something I can catch. Reality tells me it's fishing... not catching!



  4. targeting walleye and perch I was wondering how people rig their live bait. i've been using the buckshot tipped with a whole minnow hooked through the lips. I get the fish coming in to look but no strikes. ( taps but no bites). I am varying up my presentation between short gentle jigs to long lifts to really ripping it up and letting it settle but nothing seems to get them interested. Tried the same thing with rapala jigging minnows and swedish pimples and it's all the same result. Anyone willing to offer their input?

  5. Well, I've got pictures of beer!

    Most of my winter fishing is done on Quinte for walleye and perch. I do manage to get onto Simcoe a couple of times a winter with some buddies that live up that way. In the summer I'm not picky. I'll target anything that's willing to take my bait. Walleye, bass and trout are my main objectives though. I consider myself accomplished in that I have caught fish before but there's a loooooooonnnnnggg learning curve ahead. Lifes an adventure.......Live it!

    Thanks for welcoming me aboard.



  6. I have the 8" Nor-Mark auger and it presents no problem even when drilling multiple holes. The thickest ice I have drilled is 14" though so if you're on thicker ice I could see the benefit of either a gas auger or gullible friends. The hand auger is nice when you're going solo and want to limit the weight of your gear. Anything smaller is going to limit the species you target. Just keep the blades sharp and aligned (don't jam it on the ice ) and you'll be fine.

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