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Bill Shearer

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Everything posted by Bill Shearer

  1. Excellent low cost fix, Dave! You are a man of many talents!
  2. Always nice to have a pleasant surprise when fishing! Good on ya!
  3. With Fire Ants making inroads in Ontario, we are all susceptible, as no Ontario born folks have developed antibodies to their venom. I worked for a couple of months in the Cayman Islands, and although I had a bad reaction to their bites, nothing like you encountered. The welts from their sting lasted for months! Epipen or at least heavy duty Benedryl would be a good thing to carry.
  4. I have to agree with those that said you get what you pay for. I bought my wife a goretex suit 7 years ago, it's still breathable, no rips/tears, and she wears it whenever needed for walks, tobagganing, paddling etc. I bought a Bare outfit about the same time, and use the top as a windbreak/cover, all fall and winter, when Steelheading, as well as for inclement conditions when walking the dog. Great value. So, bite the bullet. Check out Cabelas, Bass pro,LL Bean. I think you will get better value, and for sure better warranty from LL Bean and Cabelas. In the mean time, cut out some arm and head holes from a garbage bag. Don't waste your money on the cheap stuff. My .02 cents
  5. Looked like the spokesperson enjoyed talking about it! She'd be hotstuff on a date
  6. I'm a happily retired Firefighter, who dabbles with Kingpin reels Service and Warranty concerns. I'm kind of like the Maytag guy, that gets very little business. Steelheading is my 2nd greatest love. (Wife is looking)
  7. Sorry, but the fish were caught by a friend. I just posted the photos for interests sake.
  8. The rod is bamboo. The mirror carpis not all that rare, but certainly interesting.
  9. Here are a few shots of an Imperial on an old school rod, and the results of a couple hours fishing. Lots of new details on this reel, and the absolute smoothest bearings of any reel
  10. There are no ugly puppies, but Black Labs are the cutest of the lot! Life long friends.
  11. As Bill M has already said, it's USPS or nothing. I realize most folks don't buy a lot of stuff stateside, but there is an alternative for those of us that live within an hour of the border. I rent a USPS post box, for about $90/year.I fish over there from Sept. to May/June, depending on weather. You can have most stuff delivered free to a US post box, and the rest is very reasonable. Cabelas has many $5 specials. If you split the cost of the box between a few friends, it is VERY cheap. One shipment through UPS to Canada would pay for a year! The Post office opens the station for box holders at 5am, and you are able to pick up larger items at a window in the station from 6am, so no inconvenience, compared to other alternatives. Something to consider. I've been doing it for many years.
  12. An easy way to make sure your links are working, before you post, is to click on the 'preview' button. If you don't see them, no one else will either.
  13. Certainly 13%HST, PLUS 6.5% duty, (maybe). Now if they ship it by UPS or Fedex, you are at the mercy of the brokers,for their fees, I have heard horror stories. But, if you specify US PostalService, there will be no brokers fees. Our Canada Post does not use brokers, up to $500. Sometimes, it just comes through with no fees. (not lately though )
  14. "not as steady wading any more and the reduced pension would cramp the wife's style if I went down" I just got an inflatable for that very reason, Dave! That, and the fact I have a trip planned in the fall. Now at issue for me, is that my trip is in the US, and for that reason I got a US Coast Guard approved inflatable, (Stearns website)fair price, compared to here, but of course, when using it in Canada, on a boat, I'll still have to have a Canadian Coast Guard approved jacket beside me, to be legal. I guess Canadians float different than Americans? How will I float when in the US? Like an American? or...... now I am confused
  15. Ontario Plywood in Hamilton, on Centennial Parkway (across from Home Depot, will have it as well. Not the cheapest place, but always good quality
  16. Boat ramp is open all the time, and access formembers, to Macassa Bay Yacht club as well, as many people live on the boats for the summer. Have at it.
  17. I've been reading your posts, since I joined, but other than knowing you were somehow involved with aviation, had no idea how. After your very informative post, I have a much better idea now! I have a huge amount of respect for those who know and love what they do. Thanks for posting, and enjoy the summer.
  18. Mike.... Not exactly sure who that was you were referring to, but if you think it's a positive, then I do too! At any rate, great post, that surely makes me envious of his abilities. Far beyond mine,......
  19. I've also been looking. I was kind of scared off of the Cabelas offerings, after reading the premature, and hap-hazard firings of the auto-inflations. At $20+/inflation, in the auto mode, not exactly what I had hoped for. Some promise that rain won't "do the deed", but customer testimonies differ. I too don't like wearing them, but the safety of having it on, it far outways the catastrophe of not wearing them. I'm going to Alaska in the fall, and will be using something. I'd like it to be an inflatable, but right now, I'm not so sure.
  20. Dave; It certainly seems that you have a knack for being in the right place, at the absolute best time! Unlike the rest of us.....day late, and a dollar short congrats on the lucky find.
  21. Lucky guy! I'm at 40 years, and equally happy. Some days it seems like 100 years, some days not so many.....congrats!
  22. Tried to download, but got a pop-up saying that it was not compatible with the Home Premium version of Vista, on my computer
  23. The badminton racquet is fun, I also have one of the battery operated swatters, that look like a racquet, but instead of the gut/nylon, it has wires. Press the button, and when you hit them, it electrocutes them. Craaaack! I really like the idea of rat shot, but can't do it (city livin') Sick.....
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