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About jsalz

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  1. I should have known when the ad said not to ask questions through eBay but to email them directly. Funny that the seller had 2000 sales. Can they fake that too?
  2. Looking at this boat.seem to cheap to anyone else? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1991-19-ft-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. He was dead in that picture about 2 hours. It looked like he'd been in a fight, but the old dudes that fish there every day said a lot of them look pretty beat up after spawning near these rocks. It's some pretty fast moving water. I didn't say he was the PRETTIEST trout!!! LOL
  4. I went out and bought some rainbow gear this year full of anticipation and hope. Tried many different spots, baits, lures, in the water, from the shore. Today after 2 months, finally I got a trout! Although it was a Brown Trout. Funny thing is, I drove all over the country side this year, bought different lures and produced nothing. Went out today (afternoon) 5 minutes from my house and used a lure that was in my box for 2 years that never produced anything but for some reason today, attracted this 9 pound male. Decided to keep him because I am all done for the season now and I obviously have not kept one yet. He's a little scratched up from the rocks in the St.Clair river here in Sarnia....
  5. Just as an FYI, got skunked two days in a row. Keep in mind, I was only out for about 2 hours yesterday and 2 and a half today. Also keep in mind, that I'm a complete rookie when it comes to bow fishing. I'm not really sure how much leader to leave. Should I use floater spawn bags or regular, how much weight should I use and how many, what spots to target?. This is starting to be alot like golf! Oh well, trial and error I suppose. Damn Rainbow
  6. Thanks for the tips!
  7. Yep I have waders and a 10.5 foot rod. Sorry about the introduction, I did say hi on the old board. Didn't think of doing it on the new one. My bad. Btw the new board looks great. A little graphic intensive for my crackberry though. Lol
  8. Hi all, I'm going to be working in the Port Elgin area this week and was thinking I would bring my gear. Problem is, I've never been there. Anyone have any ideas where I could get access to the Saugeen River or a pier or whatever. Could someone give me a hint on where I might try my luck. Thanks in advance.
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