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About steve-o-

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  1. Just a little proof to back my ass up. I will not show the rest until the time is needed, but again here's a little sample. Here's Tony's fish before he grab it out of the water it bellied up in our boat after we landed her, my buddy tried to release her carefully but she was so heavy he dropped her by accident, we caught her at 6:15 pm Aug 27th in 80 FOW 48 down and 100 back, 30 minutes to land her, weight 34 lbs. HUMMMMM that means she went back in the water at 6:45 -6:50 and then was pulled out just after 7ish by you know who. I'm not here to crap distrub or anything else, I don't want anything out of this but to let everyone know that Tony's fish was NOT caught legally and he just grabbed a belly up fish out of the water to win his boat. Tony you may be a really nice guy and all and just by reading some of your post's you seem decent, but I've heard from friends of yours that you are not the ethnical fishermen some of us out here think you are, remember all the out of season fishing you do, another thing that looks bad on you. Now here's the video, you guys be the judge. Have a look at the fish when its in the boat, then look at Tony's picture of his fish in the boat. Now maybe you guys will believe me. photobucket
  2. Got to love it when your evidence has been removed from this forum, I guess the truth stands
  3. Next time TONY don't pull a foolish belly up fish out of the water. We caught that fish and released her 30 minutes after you got her, we hooked into her at 5:45 pm on Aug 27th and took 30 minutes to land her, she slipped out of my buddies hands when we were releasing her and she went belly up, couldn't do nothing about it as the waves were 2-3 feet and pushing her fast. Tony you dam well know what you did, you grabbed a fish that was floating and took it in for weight in. I HAVE THE PROOF. For everyone else look at it this way, he launched out of Bronte at 7 pm, got out to 50-60 FOW (may have taken 10 from launch time) 7:15 pm out to his spot ( 5 minutes to set up) 7:20 he gets a fish on and lands a 33 lbs in only 5 minutes ( I DONT THINK SO) then back to the launch by let's say 7:45 pm, loads up and drives up to Franks all in 15 minutes ( IMPOSSIBLE) that Lamp Ray Mark was in the same spot as our fish and just as pink as ours, we pulled the freaken lamp ray off of it. I have video and pictures of everything. Now who looks like the A$$. You see when your in a Derby of high stack's you will do just about anything to win it just as long as you don't get caught, there was only 3 other boats out that night ( Myself and buddy and one of our other friends in a 29 foot cabin curser) we stayed out till midnight. Again I have nothing to lose as I wasn't even in the derby but to have someone win by this means is ridiculous. Shame on you little T. I think Tomorrow will be very interesting at the presentation
  4. It's OK Tony, I won't tell anyone. Just remember this people were out on the water that day and took alot of picture and video of different things, I seen your fish at Franks and that Lamp ray mark looked very familiar, actually the whole fish did. I'm not going to crap disturb any farther. Your a lucky guy to win that boat but again I state look around before you do something and make sure people aren't watching you. if I posted what I have on this forum I'd be a hero in some peoples eye and a excellent person in others. So this is not to be an ass but to remind you of how close you are to trouble. If anyone wants to see what I have please feel free to contact me and meet me at Bronte Pier, I'd be MORE then happy to show. By the way if this is a serious offence in what I'm claiming I'd be more then happy to take it to the Beaver. I have no reason to come out here and crap on anyones parade but when I found out about Tony winning the prize 3 days ago I've be contemplating about going public. Tony I bet you caught the fish (caught being the key word) between the first two apartment building just to the right of the 2nd lighthouse about 1/2 km out.
  5. Hey Tony, Tell us all how you actually caught the fish. What Lure? How deep? How far back off the rig? I'd LOVE to hear your story and I bet a lot of others would too, especially the Derby Committee. I heard you launched out of Bronte at 7 pm hooked and landed the fish by 7:30 and got up to Franks by 8 to weight in, HUMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I have a picture to post soon.
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