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About BiteMaPipe

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  1. Thanks Guys, yes the salmon in Scotland only take the lures or the flies out of pure aggression that is why such a pain to catch them. I know the dam you guys are on about, last year after checking my license the ministry guy was just about to get back in his truck when I pointed out that there was about 15 Chinese guys all fishing on and around the dam. So was he going to check there permits or was I the only guy that possibly mite be fishing without a license. Well the up shot was he chased them all off the water I assume they did not have permits but he was gone 20 minuets and guess what they all came back. I took another wonder down to Darlington marina and saw a few guys fishing can I pick up perch crappy and such like around there or do I have to venture some ware else to catch them . Cheers
  2. Hi just came across this site loads of info thanks guys, I am new to Bowmanville and Canada. I was wondering where the best place to catch some fish, I take my two kids so any fish any size is fine I was down at Bowmanville creek yesterday just of liberty at the road bridge and saw four big salmon what the best way to catch them Salmon in Scotland are very hard to catch as they don’t feed when they move into the rivers are the Ontario salmon the same? I was more a sea fishing guy in Scotland so cod, Pollack, mackerel and conga eel where my pray. But I took the kids pike and perch fishing so any info on some good fishing holes in and around Bowmanville would be very much appreciated thanks in advance
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