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Posts posted by ciscokid

  1. Never had a clue how to tackle these fish, I've fished for lake trout many times in spring in lakes with stocked bows, caught lake trout but no rainbows. I've fished for brook trout in small lakes stalked with bows (and of brookies), caught brookies, never any rainbows. Clearly these fish are doing something else so if anyone successfully fishes for these things in the spring can you help me out? I'm looking for structure, depth, whatever just where can they be found. Bait wise I'm sure a crawler harness, a few small spoons, spinners and cranks should cover me. Brookie baits really. I just need to find them. Maybe they're less active right after ice out/ early spring since they seem to favour warmer water then the chars? I don't know though, has anyone figured these things out?

  2. Don't know why I even bothered......


    I guess most people can't see the real picture here.


    For me, this will be a very useful tool. For an example, lets say I get blown off a lake that I had planned my fishing trip on. I can now do a search in the near by lakes to see what species there are available and in what lakes. At least it gives me a starting point. Another point could be if there is information on a certain lake, at least I know I should be able to get access to it wheather it be a logging road or a trail off a logging road.


    Sure there will be some inaccuracies, suck it up! I guess you can look at it 2 ways, either send the MNR the name of the lakes with inaccuracies or just keep it to yourself and perhaps other people won't discover "your" lake.


    I am still very grateful they compiled this list of lakes with the species of fish that inhabit them. I know it will make my homework much easier for my next exploration trip.


    Cheers, Ron...



    Just so you know I checked out some lakes I know well, some were dead on, mostly didn't seem completely off, for example for one lake it got lake trout, rainbows and smallmouth bass right, but incorrectly added brook trout and missed large mouth. This is a medium sized lake, another smaller lake it got rainbows but missed brookies. So just some info on the accuracy there.


    I also got info that there's brook trout in a remote backwoods lake (not even an atv trail to it) near my cottage, I've known of it on the map for sometime and always been curious. It would be about a 2.5k hike through bush with canoe and equipment. there's a possible river to take about half a kilometer in if big enough... Do I trust it? Not going to be happy after that trek in to find out its a dead lake. And here lies the problem with this fish online tool for me. Still something though and I am going to try it, who knows you making this post might have lead me to hitting a jackpot.

  3. I'd love to hear Ken's opinion of whats going on. I agreed with the questioning of the Lawton and Spray and Johnson fish. This seems as if they used a picture where the ruler is in the foreground and the fish clearly behind it, to question the stated lenghth of the fish.From there I guess the measurement of a mold and mention of a measurement of the actual fish 8 days after it's freezing is in their mind enough to somehow call in and question the record (which is based on weight anyways). With all the apparent eye witnesses agreeing on the stated weight I don't see how they will manage to get this record overturned. (which was the same result as their 2 previous attempts with Spray and Johnson)


    He actually somewhat indifferent about it I'm not sure he even follows the "investigation". I mean hes a big fisher and all and I'm sure at the time he was thrilled at the catch but hes not the type to need everyone to know he caught the fish and hes not much of a musky fisher at all, i believe thats the only one he ever caught! lol.

  4. Ken obrien is my uncle, by marriage and while i wasnt even alive at the time he caught it hes told me about it ad I'm sure its all legit. Hes not the type to lie or make something up. I can say with no doubt they're wasting their time trying to disprove it. As for the whole c r thing I'm all for catching and releasing almost any muskie, trophys included but this one was old and barely put up a fight just got slowly hauled to the surface i d say it d probably die if released, and if not it didnt have many more years, if not months ahead of it. I'd have done the same thing.

  5. He shot them in the back when they were running away. THere had better be some jail time involved here. I dont understand how thats not attempted murder unless, like some ppl said, it was rock salt or rubber or something, then its not so bad.

  6. If you are buying new line anyway, may I suggest fluorocarbon. Me and my buddy were using the exact same spinnerbait in clear water casting in the same area. I kept hooking up with slabs of smallmouths, him nothing. Also flouro is UV protected, mono is not and weakens in the sun. Means that you'll have to change your mono more often. So flouro is more cost effective in the long run.


    Line strength 10-15 lb my suggestion for 2-3" crink baits not near cover. Also flouro is more abrasive resistant when going over rocks compared to mono.




    Nice lines but expensive Seaguar fluorocarbon and Yo-zuri.


    Braided line say 30lb+ could be a great option for fishing in cover stumps, but I don't do that for fear of loosing crankbaits or the fish getting hooked and going in deeper into cover. I play it safe and switch to a weedless grub, worm, or froggy.

    Cant u also cast a bit further with fluoro than with mono?

  7. There are special regulations on parts of the Credit and Grand river. Special regs Summary - Single Barbless Hook Only, No Organic bait and Catch and release on trout. In the MNR fishing regs book check the exceptions to the rules section under these two rivers for more details.

    right, forgot to mention that. No brookies in the grand tho only browns.

  8. Hi Mike we must get a trip going sometime soon, & Hi and thanks to all who have replied so far


    I thought I was right & politely told him so, shame he was not quite so polite but I did tell him where to go in the end basically, I am suprised I have not seen more shore anglers wading around the bay as it is very shallow though the water needs to warm a little more yet to be really comfortable. The reason I am wading is I know they come in close but I think at the minute they may be a looking for water a little deeper 3 foot is about the tops right now down the bottom end as I said I was amazed last summer how far out I got across the bay in waders though I had to come back in as the kite surfers were a little to close to me for my liking & one boat was flying & not looking where he was going I was a little worried to say the least mind you I was along way out testing how far I could go.

    The bottom was pure sand everywhere I got to. Is that the same lower down towards Holland river I wonder i would think it is a little more silty and muddy there.


    I have waded in cooks bay a few times, mainly because my only other option was shore fishing but also because i enjoy wading, i find i can work an area better and more stealthily, plus its more fun. I was fishing for pike however so i cant help u with the carp aspect of it but i can tell u that it gets much more difficult to wade down towards the holland river. Theres tons of silt and it can be hard to move around in and even get out of. My brother actually stepped on a huge snapper buried in the mud there too, thankfully it chose flight over bite. Cool thing to see though. I d advise u to stay where u are if the fishing is good, not sure what carp like but down towards the holland its muddy bottom and lots of weeds. If u do go there be careful and dont go to deep because what looks like 2 feet of water can have 3+ feet of mud beneath it.

  9. Try to get campsites u can fish from that when when ur making meals u can have some dead bait out there, increase ur chances, or just cast here and there while your setting up your site. Also when ur canoeing through lakes u dont plan on fishing it dosent hurt to troll anyway and the only difference it will make is u ll go a bit slower, save ur energy for the portage. And try to pack so that when u do a portage u do it in one trip, and dont have to go bak and forth. That will make life easier and give u more time to fish

  10. I d imagine theres so good fishing there, that river is just full of fish, im sure theres some steel head up there right now, and yea in the summer should be good for bass. Another option is the whirlpool just down stream, its a bit of a hike to get to and u have to fish from the rocks but lots of ppl do it and its really nice down there. THe cool thing is u never know wat ur gonna catch. Last summer i was there late july, I saw 2 sturgens right next to shore swimming in the rocks, watched them for a few minutes really cool fish. And then later (i was fishing for bass btw) after having plenty of follows but not catching one something huge takes my spoon and im thinking musky? Wrong it was a big old steel head and i managed to land it and it was one of the biggest fish i ve ever caught. So yea i d recomend giving that a shot if not the falls themselves.

  11. My brother is hooked on brook trout so i kno a bit about the subject. The Beaver river, mad river and the upper credit are 3 good bets. I d start on the upper credit since its easiest to locate, anywhre above cataract falls is good. CLoser than haliburton too. If u want lakes tho u ll probly have to go up to haliburton area. I d suggest going to a river though because although the fish are generally smaller theyre a lot easier to catch and on a decent day u can get a easy 20, possibly much more. Mostly little but really nice looking fish and there is the odd big fella as well. People mostly fly fish for them in rivers but usually i do just as well with a small spinner or spoon. Basic, natural colors i believe would be best. Good luck. If u d like i can give u more specific locations on these rivers, pm me.

  12. Have a great time. I'll be in algonquin april 23rd-26th. Not the same area though. That Dickson to Bonfield portage looks really crappy. I wouldn't do it. Good luck, I hope you pack real light. Some times I pack too light. I had to leave early one year because the fish just wouldn't cooperate and we ran out of food. I'll have a report for you before you go.

    Opening day huh.. wish i could get up there that early, gonna be stuck in toronto till the next week or the week after that.

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