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About Ultyma

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  1. Transparent story? Lol. Whatever. Why don't you go find the people that were down there instead of trying to insult me.
  2. Change the subject? I'm just using the same argument back at you guys. Are your lives really that dreary that you have to jump on new members backs?
  3. Ever hear of a cell phone? How about calling someone to come with you? Wait a second.... I didn't tell you when I inhaled and exhaled...... HOW AM I STILL ALIVE... WHAT IS GOING ON....
  4. So when You said "I'm' going to get smokes. Was there noone at the store? on the road? in your city?
  5. It's not illegal if there are 2 people there with valid licenses, which there was. Thanks for jumping on my back right away though, I don't think I will be posting here again. You sure know how to make someone feel welcome.
  6. *read in quotes if you want to read Bull of members jumping on new peoples backs*
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