Dear Balsam Laker,
The Wolseley Lodge is sorry and we like to apologize that you didn't get served in a reasonable timeframe. Due to the changes in our Restaurant/Dining room we made the error to have a free fish fry for our Camp guest from 5-6pm on Sundays and open the Restaurant for reservations from 5-8pm, As we like to cook everything fresh we couldn’t keep up to serve all of the customers at the same time. We changed the time for the restaurant to 6-8pm and the free fish fry for our camp guest stays at 5-6pm.
"Open Restaurant"
The Wolseley Lodge was the last Lodge on the French River & Area which operated an open Restaurant for the public, why did other Lodges closed that service many years earlier....?
I’m a friend of a clear word and we don’t have to hide anything and are willing to answer questions of our customers.
Operating an open Restaurant was a big commitment on our side to offer an extra service for many customers in the area. It involves not only a Chef on payroll, we hat 2 cooks, 2 waitresses and a helper for the busy times (+ 3 more fir the buffet night). Over the last 2-4 years the economy dried out and we had an average of 5-15 meals a day in the Restaurant besides the Fri-buffet. We had to change the business, we didn’t like it but it was not feasible to operate the Restaurant, and we don’t like to hear that from a bank manager when it is to late.
On this topic I express several times that a Lodge is a business and not a charity, and my apologies if this offended you.
It bugs us a lot that we had to do these changes, but I guess many people have experiences similar situations over the 5 years in this kind of resession.
We are still offering for The Wolseley Lodge guests our All Inclusive “American Plan” 7 days a week and for our Housekeeping guest the Dining room is available on reservation only Thursday – Sunday.
I would like to ask everyone to come forward with a concern/request at the time you are at the Lodge, and we will try the best to find a solution. Please keep in mind owners like us are running 14-16h 7 days/week from May - October and we are only humans.
Harald Lutte
Wolseley Lodge