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Posts posted by maximj

  1. Thanks guys! I am just trying to collect as much as I can right now to hopefully have as successful and enjoyable trip as possible. This is a great start.


    torco: I did not even know about myccr.com. Thanks, I have greatly enjoyed canoeing and portaging the last few years and this site will only add to my enjoyment.

  2. Hi,


    I know this may be a little early but I am looking to do some trout fishing in Algonquin Park this spring. I have never done this and was wondering if anyone was willing to share any lakes or areas that are especially good in early May? I will be coming in through Huntsville to give you an idea of which end of the park I will be in. Any advice anyone has would be appreciated as well.



  3. Hello All,


    I am new to this forum and was hoping some of you could provide some advice. I am a recreational fisher but more of a camper and hiker. In a couple of weeks myself and some friends will be heading into Algonquin for a five night portaging and fishing trip. We are starting from the Lake Opeongo departure point and heading East through to Wright's Lake. Camping there for one night and than hitting the big portage into Dickson where we will head up to Lavieille for three nights. On the way out we will stay on Dickson for a night and than out of the park. I plan on using a light action 3-way setup. Mainly fishing for trout along with some bass. Are there any pike in any of these lakes?


    Being a recreational fisherman, I am not too knowledgable about trout fishing. Basically, all I know is that I need to get down to where the trout are now. Any particular points of interest along this route and any cool things to look at in the park as well as any fishing spots or tips that anyone would like to share would be greatly appreciated. Also, are there any particular lures and colours I should stick to?

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