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Posts posted by Swan_Dive

  1. I have done some fly fishing for specks and a little for Atlantic salmon. The 'terminal tackle' , and therfore the casting technique, is quite different from what's shown on the video clips. For specks and Atlantics flies are used to try to get the fish to rise to the fly, rather than bringing the fly to the fish as shown. Given the limits that the sinkers and float put on the casting technique when using a fly rod, would it maybe be better to use the fly, sinkers and float with a float reel or spinning reel?thx



    Casting a weighted rig compared to just a dry fly or nymph is completely different but that is the beauty about fly fishing is that you never stop learning. There is so many different casting techniques to learn and they were all formed because people had to adapt to different situations. When your casting a weighted rig you are not doing your standard false cast because you would end up either hooking yourself or knocking yourself out. If you are interested in learning how to cast a weighted rig or different techniques for different situations, I would suggest searching it on youtube. Youtube has helped me a ton because there are a ton of casting videos on there to help you out. Also like Fishfinder said, head down to the speyclave and talk to the instructors down there, you will be surprised what you can learn in just a few hours.



  2. Just a question to you guys that fish the Angus area, what is the deal with the seperate fishing permit for the Essa Township area? I have heard that you need one while fishing on Essa property but have not really look into it. I have just avoided the area because I did not want to get in trouble. Where would I go to get information on this or to get a permit? Any help with this would be appreciated



  3. I worked on that lake last year.Yes it is private and all the land is owned by the association.The only access is via a gated road residents only.While chatting with the homeowner he actually brought up the subject of the MNR doing a survey with the association a few years back to determine why walleye stocks were dropping.We never really finished the conversation so I didn't get the outcome.One thing i did kind of gather was most residents are there to cottage and it is a very quiet lake which is why it's so much to buy in.I will say this,there are lots of lakes all around that have open access with all the same species and rather than get in to a a big Kaffufal over this one go out and enjoy what the others have to offer.Dalrymple,Youngs,Head,Mitchell and Balsam Lakes are all close and the walleye fishing is good in all.



    Thanks for the reply, I am not actually looking to fish it, I just work with a guy and his dad owns land out there so he was telling us about this and it honestly sounded like he was telling stories (which he is know to do) so I just wanted to get some more inforation on it. I didn't think that a lake could be that private and not have regulations. We are trying to get him to take us out there because he says it is awsome fishing but he is always tip toeing around the idea. But thanks for the help, if anyone else has anymore input on this situation let me know



  4. Hey guys, so I was just wondering if any of you guys have any information about Cranberry lake that is just off of Monck Rd. I have a co-worker that is a little bit of a story teller and he has been talking about this lake and how it's private and because it is private there is no regulations. He says they have Bass and Walleye in the lake but the walleyes are stocked but paid for by the 30 residents of the lake. He says that out of the 30 land owners, there are only a handful of cottages but people pay 1 million for 10 acres but yet they don't all put up a cottage. No one else is allowed to fish the lake except land owners and the MNR is not even allowed in there to regulate the lake. It is in zone 15 but he says it's open season all the time. Just wondering if you guys have any info that could help me out because I said fiction, all water is regulated and the limits for zone 15 would apply. He also has this junk in his head about ice fishing and how they are not allowed to ice fish on cranberry becasue "ice fishing kills a lake". Maybe he is right and this fantasy lake is real but I think he is talking pooh and just wondering if any of you guys can help me. Oh ya you catch a fish "every cast" (fiction)


    thanks for the help fellas



  5. Don't be saying that your not catching fish on Nipissing! Iam supposed to be going up for a fishing trip up there march 11th and we are hoping to catch a few walley. Me and my fishing buddy haven't had any luck on simcoe this year so we were all excited to catch something other than perch. Hopefully it turns around for you guys and hopefully we get lucky when we are up there and catch something bigger than a perch.

  6. Once the ice is good and safe,you can drive to the grounds(there will be a road out.LOL.Just look for the large group.Wont be hard to find.


    On this side, walking out to deep water is not hard.5 minute walk out and yer in 70-100 fow.


    So now that it is finally getting a little colder out, when do you think the ice is going to be strong enough to venture out? Iam not talking first crazies on the ice but safe enough where your mom would let you walk out there without freaking out?

  7. So this while be my first year back in Canada for a full winter and Iam looking forward to getting some ice fishing in. The only problem Iam having right now is I just don't have the right outter clothing for it. I want to get a pair of snow pants and a jacket that can handle some cold temps but unfortunately right now the funds are low so Iam trying to get the best bang for my buck. I have looked at Canadian tire and they have a Floatation suit but how well would that do with the cold weather? I don't know if I want to go with a floatation suit but at the same time it would be nice for safety. Do you guys have any recommendations on where I can start looking that will give me the best bang for my buck? Floatation vs non floatation suit for the cold weather? Thanks for the help



  8. If you have a car you can also try east of thunder bay just at the highway at black sturgeon. Right under the bridge there is usually some pretty good action. You should stop into D & R sporting goods on Memorial by the Boston Pizza and talk to some of the guys in there, they should be able to let you know where they are biting. You can also check out thunderbayfishing.com, there is some info on there and you can talk to some people on where to go. In the spring the McIntyre/Neebing (the neebing runs through town and into the McIntyre) gets a good run of steelhead and runs right by the University. The mouth of the Current River I hear is pretty good for pretty much everything from pike to steelhead but I have only fished there once. Good luck and enjoy it up there, I have only been away for a couple of years and already want to go back!



  9. So what do you guys say to the kid or new salmon guy who wants to fish for the salmon right now? I started this year, but have only been out once but when I was out I was using the same setup as I would for steelhead. So if Iam float fishing is that what you guys are calling flossing? It seems that if your floating a bait vertical and the salmon don't want to eat it they would move. Do they let leaves and branches float in their mouth too while they are sitting with their mouths open? My understanding of flossing (before this thread) was when you can see a salmon and you try to time your bait to fall in his mouth as he opens it, not floating a bait down a muddy/deep pool where you can't see them. I don't want to stir things up more with this but I want to get an understanding of the ethical way to do things and if what I was doing was "flossing" well I would change my technique to what would be proper.

  10. My wife bought me a tying kit by Orvis. She found it on Cabelas website but then searched amazon and found it for less. I don't know much about tying but have tied 3 so far and it seems okay, it has the materials for 8 different flies, all the tools, vise and a book that explains everything and step by step instruction for each fly. I would look into the local places first though and see if you could get the same thing from them for around the same price. Even if you have to pay a little more it would be better to buy locally but you can always start with a kit and buy all your future tools and materials locally.

  11. Hello all, Sunday night I'm off for a short drive from Hamilton up to Thunder Bay, the town of Oliver Paipoonge. My aunt and uncle live up there and my parents will be flying up. I really am not a fan of flying so. I'm driving. Anyone from the area? I'd like to hook up with someone and get some fishing done. Or at least some guidance as to where to catch some fish. Won't have a boat until we get to the cabin so mostly from shore the first few days.



    You can check out thunderbayfishing.com they have some info on some local rivers and lakes. Hazelwood is supposed to be a decent spot for shore fishing but you can't have any motors on the lake so if you can get a hold of a canoe it could be worth it. Down at the mouth of the current river also produces some pike and walleye but I have never fished down there. If you get a chance stop into DnR sporting goods on memorial ave. and ask the guys in there for some info they are usually pretty good. Have fun and take some pictures for us!



  12. The guy is awsome but he put two cups of salt in his last recipe!! I always thought chefs on the food network put a lot of salt on their food but TWO CUPS! Guys has a great show and I love listening to his rants but don't think I'll be taking any of his recipes down any time soon

  13. I get like that when Iam not even going fishing the next day. Last summer I would wake up around 7am on a saturday and couldn't fall back asleep cause I knew there were fishing shows on! Two nights ago I was wide awake at 4am thinking about fishing and thinking about how "now would be a good time to get out there right as the sun is coming up". My wife says I have a problem and I probably do but I love it. I love sitting on a river or on a boat and having the excitement of catching a fish. Iam going fishing tomorrow morning with my dad and even though we are getting up first thing in the morning, Iam sure I won't be getting any sleep!!

  14. Me and the wife are making the big move down to Barrie from Thunder Bay! Finally get to move into our place which is excited just wish it wasn't on the long weekend! Hopefully get out for some walleye with my Dad before we hit the road though

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