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About K-DUB

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  1. Well I was probably off by saying spring time, it was probably early July, I think I would have realized at the time if they were out of season and then been forced to say something...Nonetheless I think the big fish need to live...
  2. I was fishing there in the spring time and I saw someone carving up a 4.5 lb largie at the launch...I was furious...She was bragging how the thing fought for a good 5 minutes... and here she was cutting it up as if it was going to make a good dinner...At 4.5 lbs that thing isnt going to taste good. That was a fish that would have produced many other good fish in that place and she decided it was dinner...I realize that she was well within her rights, but I just don't understand the need to eat fish that size, they are old and loaded with toxins.
  3. Thanks guys...Although you have me seriously re-considering going there, I think we are going to try. I am expecting it to be a struggle, but that is all part of the adventure, as long as it doesnt eat into quality fishing time. I will let you know how it goes...
  4. Well we are heading up there with a 2WD to see how it goes...If we cant make it I think we will just head to Bisco for the week...Thanks for info Mike, I am not going for 2 weeks, but I will certainly let you know how it goes...Anyone else ever been up there?
  5. So I am heading up with some buddies to Opeepeesway lake in a couple weeks. Has anyone ever been out there? If so, what are the roads like leading to the lake? I have heard that a 4x4 is a necessity, but I also heard that about Bisocotasing as well and we did that with 2WD no problem. I am looking to land a trophy pike while I am there as my main target, and a couple pickeral for dinner each night. Has anyone had any luck up there? There isn't much out there about the lake when typed into google (I may even have the name wrong for all I know). Any information would help. Cheers
  6. K-DUB


    Hi all...I have been browsing the site for some time now, and figured it was to introduce myself...I am Kyle from hamilton...I do most of my fishing on whitestone lake but also enjoy fishing local spots such as mounstberg and niapenco...anyways, looking forward to continuing to learn from you all, and hope I can contribute myself a bit
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