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About djcarter

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    Sarnia, ON

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  1. Mario, I am heading there June 22-26th. Although I have not been there before I have been given quite a few pointers. This is what I have found out in the last week or so, Look for the big shoal in the middle of the lake... Bottom bounce worm harness's for Walleys after dark ... Bottom bounce leaches in 20-30' for Walleys .... (All-Day) Reel large body baits or float large minnows in small coves 5-10' as the sun is coming up for "BIG" Pike. Since the lake is a finger lake it will have deep drop off's everywhere ... I found a hyrographical (Topo) for the lake at > anglersatlas.com < Good Luck ! Doug
  2. I have not checked out what is in season and what is not, up there yet. But, you can be assured that I will, before I get there. I am a "Catch & Release" angler anyway. That Pike you are holding in your picture is not a bad size. JUST KIDDING, LOL I usually fish for trophies, and rarely remove them from the "Cradle'. - Thanks !
  3. Thanks - Your right - Its a great place for maps. Found maps for four others lakes I also fish.
  4. I have been invited to go fishing on Lake Manitouwabing (McKellar, ON) the week of June 22nd. I understand that the fishing is excellent if you know were to find them. No, I am not going to ask where to fish, LOL. But, would like to know if anyone out there has a copy of a Topograpghical Map of Lake Manitouwabing that they could e-mail me. I know I can buy a very good one from BackRoad Maps - "Fishing Maps" but when I contacted them they will not guarantee that I will get it in time. If you do, please send to [email protected] Thank You Very Much in advance. PS - I know that I will catch fish whether or not I find a map, but it would save a lot of scouting around as I am only going to be there for 3 days. Thanks Again
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