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Posts posted by rylan

  1. Never shop eBay after a night of drinking. You end up with all sorts of crap, trust me. Lol!!



    LOL..LOL... right-- i know exactly what you mean now--



    we will see if this turns out-- I am pretty sure they will be junk but hey- for the price-- my son will love them.

  2. I was wondering if anyone here has ever bought cheap lures off of Ebay-- I am unsure if the recent purchases I made..


    I got 14 lures for $2.05 ....??? the shipping came to $12.00 /// so what do you guys/gals think? good deal or no?

  3. thanxs so much for the input thus far... i know that this rod and reel is junk-- but -- this would just be a rod I can screw around with and not really care if it breaks...lol.... but would like to see if there are more of you... who can help-- so please keep it coming. I will make final choice by the end of today-- thanxs again.

  4. Good evening Everyone,


    I wanted to ask for a little help-- i am in need of a rod/reel. I found this ad on Kijiji and was wondering if you would buy this.. and how much would you pay?


    I would be buying this for trolling at night.. and you all got me excited from the thread-- Night Time walleye hunters-- please let me know- I will be heading out Friday for a nice last fish.. thank you

  5. one word--- USURY.. it is a crime and the government is not acting upon those bankers who are taking advantage you your money- One question to you Lunker... Do you really think your money is protected? another one-- Do you think its actually in the bank.. or could it be tied into the market?... so if the markets crash again-- which looks like it will... will your money still be yours?


    oh and yes the governments of the is the root cause of this mess-- just look at all counties that has laws in place to protect the people from USURY--


    Usury -- is the practice of charging excessive, unreasonably high, and often illegal interest rates on loans.

  6. well-- for those you think the riots started because of the shooting of a protester-- needs to stop listening to CNN CBC, or any other newspaper--


    this is about the stealing of money that good people worked for all there life- its coming to USA very soon, many many people already know that their pensions are gone-- it could very much happen here in canada as well- so the question to all of you-- what are you going to do, when you find out your government as robbed you of your money?


    Sorry-- retirement doesnt sound fun- when you have to live off of your kids...

  7. woodenboater --- the lake during the day was some what busy with the odd water skier -- the odd knee boarder. I would say the most boast on the water at one time was 10. I did not see one boat fishing at night- no trolling?????? the park itself was quiet- I had a water front site by the highway- even at night the traffic of big trucks wasnt that bad. I would go back for sure but again I wish I had a better boat or a few more days to fish-


    Pinerider-- thank you very much for the offer-- maybe if I go back I can ask for your help again- :)

  8. thanxs a lot for all the help guys..


    just got back-- what a nice little park- I rented a canoe from the park- not bad price for the day. I think I did very well on the lake -- i got 13 pike, and 8 bass-- I also got a nice pike-- I would say around 5 lbs-- right by the one big island. I would go back for sure, and wished i had 1-2 more days to fish the lake better- All fish were caught on #3 and #5 Blue Fox spinners- The #3 was pink, and was what got me the larger pike. I am sorry for not taking any pictures as I forgot the camera at the site. I was fishing only on the Highway side of lake, weather was overcast-


    Thank you again for the info fellas- VERY GOOD time.....

  9. hey everyone,


    I was wondering if anyone had information on Silver Lake- I am not looking for any hot spots- just want to know if I should bring my fishing rod for this weekend? Anyone catch anything here and whats in the lake- any help would be appreciated



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