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Everything posted by forgottofish

  1. You probably can catch pike there now, I,ve also seen all the uglies like carp and dogfish. I'm told there are bass but who knows
  2. Your right Victor. Usually I don't even take them out of the water, I just reach down with my pliers and remove the hook, We just did this for the pics The area is just south of the cn tracks it's pretty boring to look at really
  3. So we finally got out there fished for a couple of hours, Had a good time then went home. This one is my wifes, bigger than the one I caught. Just using canned corn for those who care. Bonus a Large mouth nailed my corn as it hit the water. no picture as it's out of season so quickly released.
  4. HI I'm new here too, But welcome it seems like a nice place
  5. Hi all and thanks for the welcome. Gcd that's one big fish, but by the picture you have to wonder what took a bite out of it's back! Also hope I'm not being rude, but what's under your hat
  6. Hey don't I know it, I remember many a time being skunked, it's all part of the fun woops sorry about the double post, but as it says I'm a newbie thanks again
  7. Hey don't I know it, I remember many a time being skunked, it's all part of the fun
  8. Hi as the title says, I'm new to this board. I used to fish a fair bit, but seemed to loose interest when I quit smoking.(they seemed to be tied together) Anyway, I have the bug again, for fishing, not smoking, and always loved going to the Ganaraska with my family. Really I'm trying to find out if those big ugly carp have shown up yet, we love hooking in to them in the spring, they pull like horses. I would rather start there rather than Steelhead, as at the best of times I struggled to catch them. We are probably a bit late for that anyway. Like everybody else we work, and it is about an hours drive for us so trying to sort out whats going on. thanks all and sorry for being so long winded
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