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Face Visor

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  1. Here's another trick for when they're circling your head. Put on a hat with a big piece of double sided tape on the back. It's like a flypaper hat, it works very well.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. The little fella, my neighbor, has a fishing pole and loves going fishing. He, his dad and my daughter spend a fair amount of time pulling in perch with the odd bass, walleye and pike on Balsam. Here's another pic showing the fins, they look rounded to me.
  3. This fish floated in last weekend, very freshly dead. I've caught a couple musky at Balsam over the years and they've always been much more silver in colour with less distinct markings. Given the increasing prevalence of pike in the lake I was wondering if this was a tiger musky. Just wondering if anyone here could tell.
  4. Scooter, pack the bug jacket. They weren't bad when the wind was up and it was snowing, but when it was not windy and warm they were out enough to making fishing near shore a pain.
  5. I had planned on my first post here being a report full of pictures of the walleye and pike caught while I was at Sunset Cove last weekend. Fishing did not exactly go as planned, but here are my thoughts. As a previous poster mentioned, Sunset Cove is not on Callander Bay, it is on South Bay. I went up there with 4 other guys and our 6 daughters aged 4-7. We hit the water late Saturday morning on calm waters with a clear sky overhead, and not surprisingly caught nothing. The wind then blew up Saturday afternoon which kept us off the water. I woke Sunday morning and it was snowing and very windy, 5-6' swells. Clearly no fishing was going to happen. Finished making pancakes for the kids and the power went out - no DVD's for the kids Power came back on a few hours later, still snowing intermittently and still very windy and rough. We managed to get back out on the water for a short burst Sunday evening, the water had cooled off about 5 F during the day, and the fish weren't biting. Monday morning and it was cold and raining. We packed up and drove home. From a fishing standpoint the weekend was a bust. We caught about a half dozen smallmouth, all released, and one sheepshead, also released. I blame the weather more than anything else for the lack of fish. We are also not exactly a seasoned bunch of anglers, and we weren't able to really fish as hard as we wanted with the little girls on board. Despite the fishing, we had a great weekend. The girls had a blast, the guys had fun, we had a nice cottage (Deluxe #1) and the hosts at Sunset Cove were friendly and helpful. If I was to go Nippissing again I would consider Sunset Cove. Hope you have better luck on the fishing front than we did, please post how your trip went. PS - if you find a Belle Princess Toothbrush please let me know, it's my daughters
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