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About Adriano

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  1. Hi again friends. Do you know if has out a new issue of Esox Angler? Regards. Adriano
  2. O.K. Pete, thanks. But I sent them any e-mails and they do not response me, They time ago said me that they have problems with e-mails of out of US I will hope a time to see ... Regards to all. Adriano
  3. Is it rigth? Out yet, the issue Spring or no? I do not know if it out this month, Thanks. Regards. Adriano
  4. Hi again, friend. Did the issue Spring out, yet? Thanks. Regards. Adriano
  5. Thanks, friend. When you know some about it, warn me, Regards. Adriano
  6. Thanks, my interest is that I sent to Esox Angler a fishing article and his Editor, Rob said me that it would be published in that magazine in the issue Spring 2009, only. Kind regards. Adriano
  7. Thank you, but I live in Spain and seems that they have problems with the mail of out of the country, sorry. Regards.
  8. Hi friends, Do you know if the "Esox Angler" magazine is to public sell his issue Spring 2009, yet? Kind regards. Adriano
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