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About joey365247

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  1. Hey guys.. might be heading up to the Orangeville Reservoir on sunday.. just to check it out and drop a few lines... anyone ever fish there before?? i heard there is some pike, panfish and the odd walleye.. im thinking im gonna use minnows and the odd williams spoon to try it out.. I have no clue about the lake depths or baits to use there.. any tips would help.. please and thanks in advance!
  2. Thank you so much for the quick responses... BIG CLIFF, I am located at long beach.. I will have my boat in the water next week so im not sure how far the ride is to you in goose bay.. im guessing not a long one? I would be more then greatful to meet up with you one day.. and by no means and im asking to give up your locations that you work so hard to get.. half the fun is finding your own little honey hole.. Just hoping to gain some knowledge and wisdom from people who have fished this lake before.. and im hoping to make some fishing friends for those weekends im up there alone.. Thanks again to all who posted a reply!!
  3. Hey guys and gals.. long time reader and first time poster.. thanks for all the insight given on here.. I recently purchased a Trailer on the west side of Sturgeon Lake.. near Cameron.. and wondering if anyone has experience fishing this lake? I never have but hear its good for Walleye, Muskie< bass and panfish.. anyone know a general area I could start looking at? and what types of bait work best?? any info would help guys.. Thanks in advance...
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