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Posts posted by rromberg

  1. Get yourself some cleos. Head down to fifty point or the pier or pretty well anywhere along the shoreline of the lake and start chucking. You would be surprised how many browns and bass not to mention the odd sheephead that feed shallow along there.

  2. Try using a three way swivel. off the bottom a dropper line with a bell sinker( how large depends on the lure you are using and how deep you want to go) then off the back tie on a few feet of leader. I like to use big flat fish as a lure but spoons and most crank baits can also be used. Experiment with weights and length so that you keep in touch with the bottom.

  3. Pike usually stay shallow until the water warms. They can still be found close to their spawning grounds ( weedy bays). Check corners of bays, rocky points and along drops in the ten to twenty feet range. I find using lures like rapalas, ripplin redfins or other minnow baits work good in the spring. Fish them like a jerk bait. If the wind picks up try your spinners. Remember to use a wire leader or using lures can get pricy. One of the most productive ways to get spring pike is to fish a dead smelt or sucker under a bobber. Hope that helps, good luck.

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