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About AlanJ

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  1. after an hour the needle moved from the far left side and is now on the right side, showing charging. interesting. i always thoght a dead battery would freeze, but the water is full in all cells. since i have a minn kota trolling motor, i always have a spare battery on the boat if required. i will see how this goes. how long should it take to go to full charge ? if it goes to full charge to quick, i may wonder about the battery's usability. alanj
  2. ok seems when i put the boat away, i left the ignition switch on i normally bring the batteries in the house but i thought i would be fishing all winter as usual. so, battery is on charger, it has the needle over to where the fully charged light is, but the light is off. after 5 months is this battery usable ? or is deader then dead. i forget, but i recall adead battery over winter is not fixable. alanj
  3. GaryV was admitted to the Sarnia Hospital April 9th, then had abdominal surgery April 12th. I talked to his wife a few times during the week and got through to GaryV today. Gary is doing well and is anxious to get home and rest. It looks like he will miss the spring sarnia salmon derby, but should be able to make the Lakair camp. Gary said he was enjoying the sponge bathes from the cute nurses, which he asked for 4 times a day. What a dirty, dirty man... Joing me in wishing GaryV all the best and getting back into fishing shape soon, AlanJ
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