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Jeff S

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Everything posted by Jeff S

  1. Limeyangler Thanks for the reply. Guess I should say I was really into fly fishing in southern Alberta both streams and still water. There was a group of us in Medicine Hat that would get together and head out to Crowsnest Pass area and fish for few days. Other times I would head to the Bow river and others to fish. Met some great people along the way. So when I moved back to Kenora (hometown) I still wanted to stout fellow. I remember growing up here and there were a number of fellows that fly fished but they seem to have disappeared. It is odd considering the MNR stock a number of lakes in the area with brookies and rainbows. In another posting I mentioned Percy Lake and Emerson Lakes which are both stocked lakes and look like great Fly Fishing areas. What I figured was to met some of the local ffishermen and maybe do so fishing together and trade patterns
  2. Limeyangler ok that is different info then what I got. Looks like they (MNR) does a stocking of these lakes every two(2) years. Guess I will have to head out on days off and play on both lakes to see how they fish. Thanks again for the reply Jeff
  3. Hi to all Just wondering if there are other Fly Fishermen in the Kenora On area? Seems so far I am the only one and local sport shops is not much help in locating others
  4. Hi Just wondering if anyone has fished Percy Lake near Kenora On.? It is suppose to be stocked with Rainbows Also Emerson lakes again near Kenora (brook trout)?
  5. Hi all Just wondering if there are any local fly fishermen/women in the Kenora Ont. Area? Noticed some very nice lakes having rainbows and brooks in them and would like some advice as to which flies to use for them
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