Sorry to hear about this. About 10 years ago I tore my iris playing rugby - sounds similar to yours - eye drops, enlarged pupil (Which still has not and will not go down to normal level - it is an involuntary muscle) couldn't see for a couple days etc. The main thing I now find- and this took some time to get used to - is if I'm in ANY sunlight or daylight for that matter I need sunglasses; otherwise too much light gets into the eye due to your enlarged pupil and it will a) hurt make me see weird spots/colours, c) get headaches. Needless to say I wear sunglasses ALWAYS when outside. Also, headaches were quite common at first anyway and a general 'tiredness' in the injured eye. However, this only happens now infrequently if I am very tired.
I stopped taking the drops after I read the possible side effects- they are strong! But I advise you get your eyes checked regularly at first. My eyes both were of the same prescription BEFORE, the injured one is way worse now. Make sure they give you an annual Glaucoma test as this injury affects your eye pressure. You will notice bright lights are not so easy on the sore eye anymore so try to avoid them. The sensitivity should subside somewhat with time.
We cannot wear goggles or anything in rugby as it mentioned for the Basketball player so my rugby career abruptly ended due to the injury. However, I still do lots of activity and exercise, just try to limit pressure build up to the head, especially early on. Wear tinted goggles for swimming etc. and it should be good. It may take some time for you to get used to it but you will.
Another famous person with this injury besides sports guys in B-Ball and hockey - remember Brian Bedard(?) is David Bowie. His enlarged pupil was caused by a torn iris due to a bicycle injury when he was a kid. It kinda sucks but just think - it could have been worse!
Best of luck bro,