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Posts posted by beckycprw

  1. Anyone else here own a Nikon D90? I just purchased one a month ago and think it's great. I'm new to photography, so I'm going to attach a few shots to get opinions.









  2. Nice Cat there Becky and welcome to the board. As for the nail color judging from the pic, just ask Bly which color that Cliff was using for the day :lol::w00t:



    OK I have to ask, was Peyton crying cause dad wasn't catching anything or cause she knew he was doing it all wrong and had to show him :lol::P


    Cliff mentioned using Florescent Pink next time he was out.

  3. Hi there, my name is Becky. I’m new to the board and fishing. I’m sure you all know Alex, Carole, and Cliff. I am Alex’s girlfriend and we have a 13 month old daughter together, Peyton. I work from home as a Professional Resume Writer. I am also into photography. I have a nine year old as well, Abby. Here are my two daughters.





    I figured if I’m going to be a part of the family, I better learn how to fish. I went as a young child with my father, and those are some of my best childhood memories. Today was my first day out on the river with Alex and Peyton. The weather was perfect for an afternoon of fishing, so when Alex called me I just had to give it a shot.


    After a couple of hours of watching him playing with his four lines and this creative contraption my crafty boyfriend put together (shown below), I decided to try to cast. Since I’m a lefty, it made things a little more difficult but Alex quickly switched around the reel so that it was correct.




    After a few attempts at nearly snagging my line on his truck, I actually let out a great cast. Nobody was harmed and the line seemed to travel at a fairly decent distance. I was very pleased with my efforts. Alex didn’t catch a thing, and I have never heard him curse as much as he did when his line got snagged for the 18th time. Here's a picture of Peyton crying because her daddy didn't catch anything.




    She decided to take things in her own hands.





    Finally, much to my excitement my pole started to move and there it was. I caught a beauty of a catfish. After nearly slicing my hand open several times, I was able to hold it and pose for a picture. (Below)




    I must say, I enjoy this a lot more than I thought I would.

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