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Everything posted by fishingnewbie

  1. Thanks everybody for the responses! I think I'm going to send him to Dunnville and go find fishmasters store. The confusing thing is that I've found some reports in this forum that talk about ice fishing/catching smelt in February but the general info I found in most online searches say that best time for smelt fishing is late April or early May when water temperature is around 50F. Anyway, this is an awesome forum!
  2. Hi everybody, My dad asked me to search online for good locations for smelt fishing and I haven't been able to find much so I figured there's got to be some good forums out there! He's in Scarborough and doesn't mind driving up into Northern Ontario if he has to. From searching through the forums I found mention of Dunnville, Ontario? Is that a good place to send him? Thanks!
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