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About FishinGreg24

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  1. thanks for the replies!! So really I dont need jet divers with crankbaits that can dive deep enough where the fish are? only use jet divers for lures like sppons that dont dive deep or harness's? I will have to checkout that book thanks again
  2. I m new to trolling so i dont know if these are stupid questions What i dont understand is if i have a rapala tha goes 8 feet deep and the fish are at 20 feet, do i just put on a jet diver and put out enough line to make the diver at 18-19 feet and it will put that rapala right at 18-19 feet? when using a planer board can you or should you use a jet diver with them or shoud you just flatline a lure that gets to the depth you need it to? thanks
  3. thanks guys for replying!! this is my first fishing trip to canada and first time fishing for pike, so i really have no clue what im in for!! I have about 10 rods but most are light action spinning reels for bass , I do have a couple medium and medium heavy rods so i probally just need baitcaster or a bigger spinning reel. Sounds like we are throwing lures, drifting and trolling, i was planiing on bringing 4-5 rods with me just in case one breaks. I figured i get a lot of opinions but there has to be some middle ground on what to get maybe???
  4. Hello all!! Im a new member and never been pike fishing before, I will be going in july to a lake called little Guoin from Caesars Lodge. (hopefully we made the right choice!!) I was looking to buy a new rod and reel set for the trip. Looking for your opinions on the best gear to get and if i should get two separate setups one for pike and one for walleye? or if I can just get one rod and reel for both species. also the best line to get thanks for any advice
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