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Posts posted by eze76

  1. No boat yet your going to fish and expect great fishing within 3hrs of Toronto with cheap camping some peoples expextations are freaking hilarious. Rent a canoe The Mass is canoeable




    Good fishing for me isnt catching the biggest fish.... its just the point of going out and catching something.

  2. Heyy peoples :D lol.

    im planning a camping trip for this coming spring and summer. i dont want it to be a campground. kinda want backroad camping or however u call it :P


    maybe riverside?


    and definitely has to have good fishing.


    Any ideas would help out alot :D


    thanks :)

  3. Ill probably be going down this weekend sometime , i was just wondering what would be in there and any tips would be appreciated, im not asking for you spots just any tips on where i should be fishing our things like that?




  4. I caught a 44" Musky right under someones dock (Johnsons silver minnow with double yellow mister-twister)... while he was standing there telling me that he's been a cottager there for 30 years and never caught a thing ....it was sweet ... next day that whole shore had people fishing off their docks :)


    Good luck .. and dont forget your camera


    Oh dont wrry i wont forget my camera lol .


    go to the Le Baron's out there in mississuga and get some of the spray on sents. I like the YUM LPT ones for $5 it's not that bad.

    Get some of these : Shakey Jig

    and rig it with a fake worm (like these) : YUM Dinger

    rig it and fish it like this :

    use braided line for sure as well.

    good luck


    Ill pick up some stuff before i go thanks GBW, and everyone else

  5. If you have to go cheap at least go with good brands.








    Get whatever one suits your needs or just get the perdiest


    Thanks ,


    and thanks to everyone else to .



    only reason i dont want to spend alot is cause im mostly shore fish well thats all i do XD , so thats why , when i get the rod ill post a reportt about my trip thanks everyone

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