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Everything posted by stratosdude

  1. Hi My name is Mike. I owned a 2008 Lund 1725 Proguide. A very nice boat. Lots of room and pretty dry. Plenty of storage. a great handling boat. I set mine up with a 75 Yamaha 4 stroke. I put on hydraulic steering which made it a dream to handle. Before that I had a lot of steering torque from the prop. I got 39 MPH (GPS) two guys with gear. A couple of things I didn't like was the console for electronics. The one on the 1825 is much nicer and larger. The one on the 1725 is small and pretty cheesy. They just screwed the fuse panel to the inside of it where it really has no protection from the elements. I also didn't like the fact that there was not much control on the rear and front live wells. Other then turning the fill knob to control fill and aeration. The front huge rod locker was sweet. A big plus for me. Your rods are protected and that is important. Just remember to leave the door open after the boat gets wet. In order to dry out to avoid mold in the compartment and on your rods. A good boat all in all though. I am presently looking at a G3 162T. I think their fit and finish is a bit better then Lunds.
  2. Hello everyone My name is Mike and I am new to this site. It looks like the ice for the most part is off Lake Simcoe. I was wondering if anyone has been out for perch and if they have found any productive spots for the start of our open water spring season? Thanks to all who reply! Happy Easter to all
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