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About web-fisherman

  • Birthday 10/26/1971

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  • Location
    Rochester, NY

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  1. Ok - take er easy guys... It was supposed to be a fun video... Not a serious docmentary here. I didnt just sign up today to SPAM this website. In Fact, If you go into the EDU section of my site and click on the Country of Canada - OFC comes up. Has been like this since last Dec. I just posted it for fun - Geez......
  2. For your enjoyment. Cool Video HERE
  3. Solopaddler - Those Pics are unbelievable. Thanks for posting.
  4. Nope - These are all Steelhead.
  5. WOW - Nice Crappie! Im a bit jealous simply because we wont see those water temps for another 2 months. I see you must be fishing in Alabama.
  6. Check out this serious Great Lakes (Erie) Steelhead run. WOW CLICK HERE Also - Has anybody been Steelhead fishing in NY? Its a phenomenal year.
  7. That is a great thought! Thanks. Maybe grab my brothers and go up for a 4-day - 3 night on Lac Seul. I could get the Musky/Walleye master Ben Beattie to guide our trip.
  8. Leechamn your awesome! Well said. Advise will be taken. Thanks Mike
  9. Excellent!!! And he is the type of father that would rather have that. Thanks
  10. Hahahaa - That would do it. He does love that boat
  11. hahahahahahahahahaah - Good one. He does fish and is stacked in that dept. It would have been my first thought Thanks
  12. My Father retired after 42 Years at Eastman Kodak Company. I am so proud of him. He has several patents and provided wonderfully for my mother and 2 brothers. Any gift ideas for such a remarkable accomplishment? My wife and I (kids) are taking him out to eat tonight to celebrate. However, His company is putting on a large scale party in which I feel my wife and I should do something.
  13. Well, There is a date - US combat in Iraq to end by Aug. 31, 2010? Agree? Disagree?
  14. Very Nice - Did that 1.5 and 3.5 years ago - Wouldn't trade it for nothing. Congrats to both you and your wife. Question. Will your wife still let you fish?
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