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Everything posted by goby

  1. Fish Story A guy who lives at Round Lake, Sask. (50 miles South of Yorkton ) saw a ball bouncing around kind of strangely in the lake and went to investigate. It turned out to be a flathead catfish who had obviously tried to swallow a basketball which became stuck in its mouth!! The fish was totally exhausted from trying to dive, but unable to because the ball would always bring him back up to the surface. The guy tried numerous times to get the ball out, but was unsuccessful. He finally had his wife cut the ball in order to deflate it and release the hungry catfish. You probably wouldn't have believed this, if you hadn't seen the following pictures...
  2. Thanks for your information I guess I need to look a little farther away from the nest. Dan Boy
  3. Any idea is there is any shore access?
  4. Can anyone tell me how many types of sports fish are in and around Lake Ontario Grimsby? I have only fished the spring and fall runs for trout and salmon and it would be nice if there were more choices available for this old shore fisherman. Dan Boy
  5. Gumby land
  6. Ido like your design but I agree that it should be made with angle. Your design is simple and would be easily made. Thank you Dan Boy
  7. I have a 16' fiberglass canoe and now I have a 36lb thrust minkota. Does anyone ave any designs for a sidemount?
  8. Well in a weeks time I'll be sitting around a Muskoka lake itching to get out on the water that I haven't been on scince last year. Last year I didn't land as many as previous years but the size of fish was a great improvement. I was hoping some of you could tell me what are some of the hot lures and colours this year. One of my all time favorites has to be the jitterbug at dusk.
  9. Iv'e lived in Grimsby for a few years but I have never put a line into the Fourty mile creek durring the summer. Are there any fish in there beside gobys?
  10. Are ther any favorite fish scent you like to use? Are there any recipies for home brewed sents?
  11. goby


    The following web site has 2000 uses for wd40 http://www.twbc.org/resources/wd40.php Here are some related to fishing. Keeps lures from snagging on lily pads and lake grass Spray on fishing line to keep line from becoming stiff Rub into hands before touching lures or bait to disguise human scent Lubricates fishing reel knobs Keeps plastic fishing lures from sticking together Lubricates swivels on fishing lures Keeps top line guides from freezing on fishing rods when ice fishing Drives moisture from fishing tackle Removes fish slime from tackle Refurbishes antique fishing lures Rejuvenates soft plastic fishing lures Polishes fishing lures Prevents fishing flies from rusting Keeps fishing lures corrosion free Keeps fishing reels rust-free Keeps tackle from freezing during ice fishing
  12. goby


    I have just read an E-mail saing that WD40 can be used as a fish attractant. Has anyone ever used it?
  13. Used to camp there years ago Bass fishing not bad. Early morning and dusk I trolled the shore line approximatly 20 feet off shore and hooked a couple nice 2lb - 3lb rainbow one summer.
  14. Magellan 500 Only had it for (2) Months. Having fun Geocaching. Have yet to take it fishing or hunting. Dan
  15. Charts great but They don't go inland far enough to find what I'm looking for. Thanks Man
  16. I have had some success over the years trolling a deep diving crank bait early am or at dusk. I usually try a few passes along the shore with a water depth between 15 - 30 feet.
  17. I am a 51 year old father of two teenage girls, one three year old adopted girl and presently one three month old foster child. I never get near enough fishing and hunting in and the two weeks I have in August is like heaven too me.
  18. I rent a cottage on a small two mile long lake every August in Muskoka . The lake has a good supply of bass and there is also rainbows. The lake has a depth in a couple of places between 60' - 80'. In ten years I have only caught one rainbow in the early am. Can anyone suggest some summer techniques for producing more trout?
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